A list of useful commands in rust that will improve your overall gameplay but mainly are good for better visibility, performance and PVP.
Commands / Binds for PVP
hitnotify.notification_level 2 – stops you from hearing a hitmaker when u get an invalid shot.
This command will NOT save when you close and reopen your game.
player.recoilcomp true – makes it so your aim auto readjusts to the middle when tap firing using weapons like the m2.
This command WILL save when you close and reopen your game.
bind mouse1 “+attack2;+graphics.vm_fov_scale false;graphics.vm_fov_scale true” – Will set graphics.vm_fov_scale to true when you ads, this makes your gun smaller and take up less room when adsing.
This command WILL save when you close and reopen your game.
bind mouse2 +fov 90;fov 70 – When holding your back mouse button, you will zoom in by setting your FOV to 70. When you let go of the button you will go back to 90 FOV (the max FOV).
This command WILL save when you close and reopen your game.
Commands / Binds for Visibility
headlerp_inertia false – Quicker return to the normal view when you stop alt looking.
This command will NOT save when you close and reopen your game.
graphics.lodbias 5 – Renders better (higher quality) models within the world.
This command will NOT save when you close and reopen your game.
graphics.waves false – Removes wave effects in the ocean.
This command will NOT save when you close and reopen your game.
+meta.if_true “grassshadows 1”;+meta.if_false “grassshadows 0” – Removes some unnecessary shadows
This command will NOT save when you close and reopen your game.
graphics.itemskins 0 – Disabling (new) community skins for better visibility (skins from ~2016 and facepunch made skins will stay on and items that use different models, like space suit, ak47 ice, artic suit, etc…).
This command will NOT save when you close and reopen your game.
Commands / Binds for Performance
gc.buffer 2048 – Changes how often the game run a gc cycle (less lag)
This command will NOT save when you close and reopen your game.
global.perf 5 – Shows fps and ping in the bottom left (doesn’t help your game run but its relevant to performance).
This command WILL save when you close and reopen your game.
A Bind for Commands That Don’t Save
Some of the commands listed will not save when you close and reopen your game. This bind below will have all of those commands in it so that you don’t have to type them in every time, you just have to press 1 button.
bind <key> hitnotify.notification_level 2;headlerp_inertia false;graphics.lodbias 5;gc.buffer 2048;graphics.waves false;player.recoilcomp true;+meta.if_true "grassshadows 1";+meta.if_false "grassshadows 0";graphics.itemskins 0
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