Rust – Ultimate Guide to Keybinds (Chat & Console Commands)

Most useful Rust key binds guide!


  • Press F1 to open your console.
  • Decide what key you want to bind the command to.
  • Copy-paste the command and press Enter.

Some Keybinds

All commands are ready to copy-paste into console.

Press Q to auto-run, press Shift and W to cancel (this will override the crafting shortcut).

  • bind q forward;sprint

Press Z to permanently crouch and auto-attack, press Left Click and Control to cancel.

  • bind z attack;duck

Hold Z to crouch and auto-attack (only while pressed).

  • bind z +attack;+duck

Press C to permanently crouch, press Control to cancel.

  • bind c duck

Default Keybinds

  • bind f1 consoletoggle
  • bind w +forward
  • bind s +backward
  • bind a +left
  • bind d +right
  • bind mouse0 +attack
  • bind mouse1 +attack2
  • bind mouse2 +attack3
  • bind 1 +slot1
  • bind 2 +slot2
  • bind 3 +slot3
  • bind 4 +slot4
  • bind 5 +slot5
  • bind 6 +slot6
  • bind 7 +slot7
  • bind 8 +slot8
  • bind leftshift +sprint
  • bind rightshift +sprint
  • bind leftalt +altlook
  • bind r +reload
  • bind space +jump
  • bind leftcontrol +duck
  • bind e +use
  • bind v +voice
  • bind g +map
  • bind t
  • bind return
  • bind mousewheeldown +invnext
  • bind mousewheelup +invprev
  • bind tab inventory.toggle
  • bind q inventory.togglecrafting
  • bind f lighttoggle
  • bind n inventory.examineheld
  • bind x swapseats
  • bind c +compass

Keybinds for Server Management

Hide Base Entities:

bind keypad1 layer.toggle Tree;layer.toggle World;layer.toggle Construction;layer.toggle Water;layer.toggle Terrain;layer.toggle Clutter

Unlock/Lock Code Lock:

bind keypad2 ent unlock / bind keypad3 ent lock

Entity Ownership:

bind keypad4 ent who

Daytime/Nighttime for Admin:

bind keypad8 admintime 12 / bind keypad9 admintime -1

Useful Keybinds

The following list of frequently used keybinds includes an explanation of each function; the keys are provided as samples; feel free to modify them to suit your needs.

Player Binds

bind [leftshift+k] killCommit suicide to respawn
bind f1 consoletoggle;combatlogRun combatlog on opening console
bind x forward;sprintAuto-run until you manually press forward again
bind z duckToggle crouch until you manually press crouch again
bind [leftshift+f11] attackAuto-attack – constantly attack until you manually attack again (LMB)
bind [rightshift+f11] attack;duckAuto-attack and toggle crouch
bind mouse1 “+attack2;+input.sensitivity .45;input.sensitivity .2”Lower sensitivity when ADS
bind mouse1 +lighttoggle;+attack2Turn on flashlight/laser when ADS
bind mousewheelup “craft.add -2072273936 2”Craft bandages when you scroll up
bind f10 client.disconnectDisconnects you from the server you’re on
bind 7 chat.say “Hello everyone!”Sends a message to global chat
bind 8 chat.teamsay “Hey Team!!”Sends a message to team chat
bind h “craft.add -2072273936 1”Auto-crafts 1 bandage

Admin Binds

bind [leftshift+h] debugcameraEnables debugcamera
bind [leftshift+t] teleport2markerTeleports you to your map marker
bind p “ent kill”Kills the entity you’re looking at
bind u “ent unlock”Unlocks the entity you’re looking at
bind l “ent lock”Locks the entity you’re looking at
bind j noclipToggles flight
bind delete “layer.toggle Construction”Hides all player buildings for a better view
bind [leftshift+rightcontrol] “weather.load clear”Makes the server’s weather sunny and clear
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1251 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.


  1. Regards! Tell me one thing: is it possible to change the auto-run’s binding so that the letter S is added to stop it as well?

    • To be honest, it will be useless since you will have to continue moving forward and use a different key to stop it. In certain circumstances, you might even find yourself in danger.

      Normally, I use the auto run feature “Q” and press the forward “W” to speed it up. This is definitely preferable, so if you use Q, just quickly press your “W” to stop it from running.

  2. I am aware that binding exec is broken, but when you bind it, the console should paste “global.exec fps.cfg” and require you to press Enter in order to use it. This eliminates the need to type the filename.

  3. Is it possible to assign one key to two commands? As a server administrator, I must toggle godmode, but I can’t see that directly unless I open the F1 menu. I tried to toggle hud keybinds to the same key like this: bind m “~god true;god false + ~ui.showbeltbarbinds false; ui.showbeltbarbinds true”. but that didnt work. any suggestions?

    • You can try this one if all you want is to be able to see that you are in godmode:

      bind m ~meta.exec “god true “chat.add 2 2 on”;meta.exec “god false” “chat.add 2 2 off”

      If that is successful, you will only be able to see the “on” message in the chat when you hit “m” to activate godmode. Re-pressing the key will turn off godmode and display “off” in the chat window, which is visible only to you.

      Since I’m not an admin on any servers, I can’t test this one, but it might work. If you want the hud to go away when you’re in god mode with that bind instead of chat feedback then try replacing ‘chat.add 2 2 on’ and ‘chat.add 2 2 off’ with the hud commands you have.

      • Many thanks; I was able to correct the one missing parentheses, and it is now operational. Do you know if it’s feasible to add a minimap—that is, a scaled-down version of the map—to the upper left corner of my screen?

  4. Is it possible to send console output to a chat window?
    Coordinate binds bother me, and I don’t want to constantly glance at the console. Is it possible?

    The binds:

    bind f8 consoletoggle;client.printinput
    bind f9 consoletoggle;client.printpos

    • Indeed, I’ve included a couple of these in my premade configuration above, but it looks like this:

      bind [leftshift+m] attack;duck;chat.add 2 2 “auto attacking”

      You will therefore automatically attack when you press “leftshift” + “m” simultaneously in this bind. In order to let you know that you’ve hit the bind, it will also say “auto attacking” in chat.

      No one else will be able to see the message in chat but you.

      You can modify the numbers after ‘chat.add x x’ to alter the chat’s appearance.

      but if you want something added in the chat just add ‘;chat.add 2 2 “YOUR TEXT HERE” after the bind.

  5. Just hit f1 to load them all. This is my binding, which requires me to use every helpful command in case they ever reset.

    bind f1 consoletoggle;combatlog;perf 2;graphics.vm_fov_scale false;client.lookatradius 20;input.holdtime 0.1;hitnotification_level 2;headlerp_inertia false;gc.buffer 2048;graphics.waves false;player.recoilcomp true;+meta.if_true “grassshadows 1″;+meta.if_false ‘grassshadows 0”;global.hideinteracttextwhileads true;environmentfishmanager.maxfishdistance 0;graphics.shadowdistance -1;gfx.ssao “false”;grass.displacement false;graphics.shafts false;water.reflections false

  6. When using maxgibs-1 during a raid, you can see the person behind a door or wall before they do.

    • Yes, it will, but each time you load into Rust, you’ll need to enter it. I bind it to the map key because it isn’t even functional in the launch options. connect g to “+map;effects.maxgibs -1”

      • The advantage is that it’s much quicker and simpler to spot the loot and seize it in midair when you’re breaking barrels. There won’t be any debris to hide it if it does fall to the ground. Additionally, I believe it improves performance, particularly in large raids.

  7. Is it not possible to set up an auto exec feature similar to that of CS:GO or Apex, with reference to the command bind, where you have to press a bind because some commands don’t stick after restarting? where all that needs to be done for a game to launch is to have “exec autoexec.cfg” in your start menu?

    • Yes, I also discovered that you can include all of these commands in the game’s launch options, eliminating the need for a separate CFG file.

      for example if i wanted ‘graphics.itemskins 0’ on my game launch, I would do

      -graphics.itemskins 0

  8. No Fish:
    ➤environmentfishmanager.maxfishdistance [] – distance
    ➤environmentfishmanager.maxfishpertype [] – how many

    Though I have only tested it on a sandbox, it seems too good to be true. You can make it really scary or completely remove the fish, which is HUGE because you won’t believe you saw a shark and the clarity is better overall.

  9. Bind x ~audio.master 0.1;audio.master 0.8 to quickly switch when on a boat or after dark.
    Toggling between them is possible with bind x ~audio.master 1;audio.master 2.5.
    You can “sound whore” by setting the maximum value to 2.5, which is higher than 999. However, that would be tantamount to rape of the ears.
    mention that you can alter the values to nearly anything

    PS: It may take a while to switch between and be glitchy.

    • what do you want to remove?
      if you want to remove a keybind jsut put
      bind nothing
      in your console and it will do nothing

      To restore default settings, you would put headlerp_inertia true to set the command back to its original value, say headlerp_inertia false, if you wanted to unset it.

  10. bind k ~mesh.quality 200;mesh.quality 0
    The oil issue, it is toggled.
    bind t ~graphics.fov 70;graphics.fov 90
    identical stuff, but on toggle

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