SCP: Blackout – Survival Guide

In this game, you die. And you die alot. I’ll be teaching you some tips and tricks to not die, so lets get started!

Chapter 1: L1 & L2 Keycards

So, a catastrophic breach just occurred in the depths of the facility. You might be asking yourself, where do I go now? Well for the remainder of your time, Dr Harman will “help” you out. He should tell you to go to the guard room, where a keycard will be on a table in the middle, the desk by the window, or in one of the cabinet.

There should be a flashlight, two batteries and a radio in the guard room you should help yourself to. Now, you have armed yourself with a flashlight, and the next keycard should be in either the Quarters, D-Class bath, or staff bathroom. If it’s in the quarters, it will be in the cabinet, on the ledge, or on one of the desks. While your here, go to the safe on the left side of the room, type 230974 into the safe and equip it. If its in either of the bathrooms, what you’ll wanna do is check the stalls, sinks, and benches.

Now, Dr. Harman will tell you to head to either the Break Room or Warehouse. If it’s in the Warehouse, its on one of the boxes in the middle. If its in the Break Room, it’s on the desk to your right, the tables, or on the counter. And that’s all for Chapter 1 [spoiler] of inevitable death and betrayal!

Chapter 2: Tunnel Switches

Dr. Harman will send you to the maintenance office in M-Wing. When you get there, look for a switch on the right side of the door and turn it on. After that, turn around to find the panel box and flip all of its switches. Make sure to grab any supplies you find in the office. The red doors you see are the tunnel entrances.

When you leave M-Wing, turn left and go straight to the Break Room. There are three tunnels you need to know about: the Break Tunnel near the breakroom, the Staff Tunnel by the staff bathroom, and the Quarters Tunnel near the quarters.

Start with the Break Tunnel. Go down two sets of stairs, find the switch and flip it. Then quickly run back up to avoid the small monsters. Next, head to the Staff Tunnel and just follow the path until you find its switch.

The Quarters Tunnel is the trickiest. You can reach it from different spots. From the Warehouse entrance, you can either take two rights and keep going until you find the switch, or go left, then right, then left to reach it. The same paths work from the Sector 32 entrance. If you’re coming from the quarters, you can either take two rights to reach the switch, or take two lefts. Once you’ve flipped all three switches, you’re done.

Chapter 3: L3 & L4 Keycards

Now you need some keycards to get into the new offices. Look at the map and go to the following places: Observation D, Lab 103, and Control Room. If they arent there, go to Lab 103 and go to the computer, open the valves, burn or freeze, open, and override the lockdown, and look in there.

Next, head to the offices near the Staff Bathroom hallway, and look in those. If they arent there, look in the Sector 32 Containment Suit Storage (be sure to decontaminate yourself)! Pretty simple, right? Well it gets harder.

Chapter 4: Computer Override

First, you want to head over to Dr. Gerald’s office near the Break Room, and override that computer. Now head to the quarters and before you reach the turn right. Right when you reach Sector 32, turn right again, and head into the Sub Level, go left into Safe Storage.

Continue and stay on the first floor until you reach the archive. Right as you enter turn left and override the computer. Now go to the third floor and the HR Offices, and head to the last office on your right, and override it. And you’ll be met by being [DATA EXPUNGED] by Dr. Harman.

Chapter 5: Sub Lab 11

The power will most likely go out after you get [REDACTED] by Dr. Harman. You should run to Sub Lab 11 and enter. Here, I have to say, it is randomly generated, but from here theres only one way to go.. you can go through the halls, basement, or vents, and i recommend through the vents. Here you will find a new SCP: The Marionette, but just look at him to stop him.

After you contain TELR, grab the Elevator Override Keycard, but be careful. once you exit, RUN TO THE ELEVATOR. Everything will be fleshy, so go ahead and head through the basement to the quarters, and run to the elevator.. but I hope you’re ready for disapointment, because it’s not that satisfying. But heyy, you beat it!

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1555 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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