Stardew Valley – Qi’s Crop: How to Plant Qi Beans (After The Challenge Ends)

I found a… feature?… which enables you to grow Qi Beans after the “Qi’s. Crop” challenge. This gives a huge advantage when you try the challenge again.

Qi’s Crop Challenge

Where to obtain the quest:

Ginger Island, Qi’s hidden Walnut Room (available after finding 100 golden walnuts)


I’ve hidden Qi Beans throughout the world. Find them, grow them, propagate them, and ship 500 Qi Fruit within the time limit.


Ship Qi Fruit (500) until the end of season.

Where Can I find Qi Beans?

  • Breaking Rocks
  • Chopping Down Trees
  • Chopping Down Stumps
  • Cutting Grass
  • From Garbage Cans
  • From Killing Monsters
  • From Breaking Geodes, Artifact Troves, or Golden Coconuts
  • Digging Artifact Spots,
  • Shaking Any Trees
  • Opening Chests
  • Breaking Crates
  • Fishing.

You can produce them if you put Qi Fruit in the seedmaker, too.

What is the Reward? And What Happens after the Quest is Over?

The easiest way to beat this challenge is to find some beans in the beginning, grow the fruits, throw them into the seedmaker and plant them again (rinse and repeat) until you have enough beans to get the desired 500+ fruit.

  • And the reward is massive: 100 Qi-Gems!

After you shipped 500 Qi Fruit or after the last day of the season ends, the challenge is over. All your Qi Beans, Qi Fruit and -products (finished or still in the keg / preserve jar, doesn’t matter) in your inventory or in a chest… they all disappear. No chance to grow them after the challenge is finished.

To bad. I’m sorry! But…

Here Is The Trick (or Bug… or Feature…)

  • Ship your 500 fruit (not a single one more please) on the last day of the challenge.
  • Go to Pierre’s shop and sell the rest of your qi fruit to him.
  • If you don’t have enough Qi Fruit to win the challenge, sell all of them to Pierre on the last day.
  • End the day, challenge over, 100 Qi Gems (yay).
  • Next day, go to Pierre and buy the Qi fruit back (Yes, Qi Fruit in his store is not deleted!).

Throw them in the Seedmaker and grow enough of them to have an easy time if you will accept the challenge again.

Tip: Grow 700 fruits, next challenge: ship 500 of them first day and sell 200 to Pierre. Challenge will be completed and the next day you can buy most of your 200 fruits back and will be back to 700 in no time.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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