Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic – Road Traffic Guide

This guide covers the basic road traffic problems that players might have.

Guide to Road Traffic


This guide covers the basic road traffic problems that players might have.

It does not cover any traffic problems caused by personal cars.

What Is the Simple Series About?

Workers and Resources is a complicated game, when you are new (or newish) it is very easy to struggle with basic things like getting public transport working.

There are video tutorials but not only do you have to invest 10 minutes or even as much as an hour, but they might never mention or just gloss over the specific thing you wanted to know. The simple series provides bite-sized chunks of information that you can skim through in a minute to get what you want to know.

The simple series often provides a single opinioned way to do things. not because it is the only way or even the best way, but just because it is easy to explain concisely.

The Most Important Thing Is Not to Block Buses

Trucks slowing down other trucks is annoying, but trucks slowing buses can be dangerous. For example, if buses can’t deliver people to heating plants in winter.

If you enable complex traffic, then you can create bus-only roads. Whether you need them or not depends. For example, in a steel industry area everything is transported via conveyors and trains so there aren’t many trucks to worry about.

Use Road Cargo Stations, Aggregate Unloading Stations and etc When Needed

Warehouses have only a single parking spot that trucks can use to deliver or pick up goods. So you usually want to attach a road cargo station to every warehouse.

Factories and most other storage buildings have two parking spots, so it’s not as mandatory. Still a good idea if you expect a decent amount of truck traffic.

Trucks using aggregate loading/unloading stations are a lot faster than the factory/storage buildings themselves. So useful to attach to gravel aggregate storage.

Trucks Per Day Traffic Estimation

The biggest truck is around 10ts (although it depends on the type of good). So it a factory produces 10t a day it is a “one truck a day” factory.

Try to Transport High Volume Goods by Train Instead of Truck

You will run into traffic issues if you try to move high-volume goods via trucks, unless over a short distance. You should move high volume goods via train, or if that isn’t viable for your situation then make sure you able to handle the traffic.

What counts as short distance? I’d say within the same industry area.

What counts as a high-volume good? Anything that’s more than “one truck a day”.

A food factory requires 42t of crops a day and produces 20t of food a day. This means it a seven truck a day factory.

A fabric factory requires 20t of crops, and 0.5t tonnes of chemicals and produces 5.4t of fabric. This is a factory where you need to import the crops via train, but you could hypothetically use trucks for chemicals and fabrics.

Construction Office Traffic

This is unavoidable traffic so the important thing is to try to avoid significant disruptions to bus routes and normal truck routes.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 888 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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