Naturally, I will cover everything food-related in this tutorial. Where to look for the components. The price at which you can sell them. The amount of energy they provide when consumed.
And I’ll talk about the most crucial topic: How to Make the Recipes!
Ingredients in The Valley
Here are the ingredients found in the valley and the information for each one. The information given are where to buy them, where they grow faster, the time for growing, how much you harvest, how much they sell for, and how much energy they give you when eaten.
All plant-able crops that are only available in the valley, can also be found in Wall-E’s garden. No Eternity Isle plant-able crops can be found in Wall-E’s garden.
You can also sometimes find seeds for plant-able crops when you remove Night Thorns or Splinters of Fate.

- Purchase: Frosted Heights for 150 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 2 hours 15 minutes
- Gives: 3 asparagus
- Sells For: 133 coins
- Energy Given: +42
Bell Pepper
- Purchase: Forest of Valor for 12 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 15 minutes
- Gives: 1 bell pepper
- Sells For: 33 coins
- Energy Given: +79
- Purchase: Peaceful Meadow for 10 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 15 minutes
- Gives: 1 carrot
- Sells For: 44 coins
- Energy Given: +57
Chili Pepper
- Purchase: Sunlit Plateau, The Oasis, The Plains, The Borderlands, The Wastes for 20 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 45 minutes
- Gives: 1 chili pepper
- Sells For: 78 coins
- Energy Given: +140
- Purchase: Frosted Heights for 40 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 1 hour 15 minutes
- Gives: 1 cucumber
- Sells For: 159 coins
- Energy Given: +145
- Purchase: Frosted Heights for 95 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 3 hours
- Gives: 1 eggplant
- Sells For: 308 coins
- Energy Given: +451
- Purchase: Forgotten Lands for 120 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 2 hours
- Gives: 1 leek
- Sells For: 309 coins
- Energy Given: +228
- Purchase: Peaceful Meadow for 3 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 3 minutes
- Gives: 1 lettuce
- Sells For: 8 coins
- Energy Given: +56
- Purchase: Glade of Trust for 135 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 2 hours
- Gives: 3 okra
- Sells For: 114 coins
- Energy Given: +31
- Purchase: Forest of Valor for 50 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 1 hour 15 minutes
- Gives: 1 onion
- Sells For: 170 coins
- Energy Given: +146
- Purchase: Forgotten Lands, The Grove, The Grasslands, The Lagoon, The Promenade for 55 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 35 minutes
- Gives: 1 potato
- Sells For: 126 coins
- Energy Given: +113
- Purchase: Forgotten Lands for 275 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 4 hours
- Gives: 1 pumpkin
- Sells For: 664 coins
- Energy Given: +187
- Purchase: Glade of Trust for 45 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 1 hour
- Gives: 3 spinach
- Sells For: 41 coin
- Energy Given: +60
- Purchase: Dazzle Beach, The Grove, The Grasslands, The Lagoon, The Promenade for 8 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 25 minutes
- Gives: 3 tomato
- Sells For: 22 coins
- Energy Given: +21
- Purchase: Sunlit Plateau for 30 (also grows faster here)
- Grows in: 40 minutes
- Gives: 2 zucchini
- Sells For: 52 coins
- Energy Given: +48
Fruit locations can be changed. You can move the trees/bushes to different locations to make it easier for harvesting.

- Find: Plaza
- Grows In: 20 minutes
- Gives: 3 apples
- Sells For: 25 coins
- Energy Given: +300
- Find: Dazzle Beach, Moana Realm (you can take the fruit from the Moana realm)
- Grows In: 23 minutes
- Gives: 3 banana
- Sells For: 29 coins
- Energy Given: +350
- Find: Forest of Valor
- Grows In: 23 minutes
- Gives: 3 blueberry
- Sells For: 29 coins
- Energy Given: +350
- Find: Sunlit Plateau, Frosted Heights
- Grows In: 33 minutes
- Gives: 3 cherry
- Sells For: 42 coins
- Energy Given: +500
Cocoa Bean
- Find: Glade of Trust, Sunlit Plateau
- Grows In: 30 minutes
- Gives: 2 cocoa bean
- Sells For: 38 coins
- Energy Given: +450
- Find: Dazzle Beach, Moana Realm (you can take the fruit from the Moana realm)
- Grows In: 33 minutes
- Gives: 3 coconut
- Sells For: 42 coins
- Energy Given: +500
Coffee Bean
- Find: Glade of Trust
- Grows In: 40 minutes
- Gives: 3 coffee bean
- Sells For: 36 coins
- Energy Given: +425
Dreamlight Fruit
- Find: Sunlit Plateau
- Grows In: 1 day
- Gives: 3 dreamlight fruit
- Sells For: 40 coins
- Energy Given: +500
- Find: Frosted Heights, Forgotten Lands
- Grows In: 40 minutes
- Gives: 3 gooseberry
- Sells For: 50 coins
- Energy Given: +600
- Find: Forest of Valor, Glade of Trust
- Grows In: 27 minutes
- Gives: 3 lemon
- Sells For: 33 coins
- Energy Given: +400
- Find: Plaza
- Grows In: 17 minutes
- Gives: 3 raspberry
- Sells For: 21 coins
- Energy Given: +275

- Purchase: Forest of Valor, The Overlook, The Docks, The Ruins, The Courtyard for 25 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 35 minutes
- Gives: 1 canola
- Sells For: 109 coins
- Energy Given: +59
- Purchase: Dazzle Beach, The Oasis, The Plains, The Borderlands, The Wastes for 15 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 12 minutes
- Gives: 2 canola
- Sells For: 16 coins
- Energy Given: +30
- Purchase: Glade of Trust for 35 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 50 minutes
- Gives: 2 rice
- Sells For: 61 coins
- Energy Given: +59
- Purchase: Sunlit Plateau for 60 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 1 hour 30 minutes
- Gives: 3 soya
- Sells For: 69 coins
- Energy Given: +58
- Purchase: Dazzle Beach for 5 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 7 minutes
- Gives: 1 sugarcane
- Sells For: 19 coins
- Energy Given: +46
- Purchase: Peaceful Meadow, The Overlook, The Docks, The Ruins, The Courtyard for 1 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 1 minute
- Gives: 2 wheat
- Sells For: 2 coins
- Energy Given: +19
Chez Remy’s Pantry
These ingredients are available in the valley and on the isle.

- Sells For: 190 coins
- Energy Given: +285
- Sells For: 180 coins
- Energy Given: +270
- Sells For: 220 coins
- Energy Given: +330
- Sells For: 230 coins
- Energy Given: +345
- Sells For: 200 coins
- Energy Given: +300
Slush Ice
- Sells For: 150 coins
- Energy Given: +225
Spices & Herbs

- Find: Peaceful Meadow
- Sells For: 150 coins
- Energy Given: +100
- Find: Forest of Valor, The Grove, The Lagoon
- Sells For: 50 coins
- Energy Given: +135
- Find: Forgotten Lands
- Sells For: 50 coins
- Energy Given: +175
- Find: Frosted Heights
- Sells For: 50 coins
- Energy Given: +155
- Find: Glade of Trust
- Sells For: 30 coins
- Energy Given: +105
- Find: Plaza
- Sells For: 50 coins
- Energy Given: +95
- Find: Sunlit Plateau
- Sells For: 50 coins
- Energy Given: +135

- Find: Dazzle Beach
- Sells For: 50 coins
- Energy Given: +120
- Find: Dazzle Beach
- Sells For: 50 coins
- Energy Given: +250
- Find: Dazzle Beach
- Sells For: 50 coins
- Energy Given: +125
The Fish of The Valley
Here are the fish that are located in the valley. Some can also be found on the isle.
No festive fish can be sold.

Angerfish/Festive Anglerfish
- Find: Forgotten Lands
- Sells: 1,500 (festive fish cannot be sold)
- Energy: 2000
Bass/Festive Bass
- Find: Peaceful Meadow, Forest of Valor, Sunlit Plateau, Frosted Heights, The Oasis, The Grassland, The Promenade, The Grove, The Lagoon
- Sells: 25 (festive fish cannot be sold)
- Energy: 150
- Find: Peaceful Meadow
- Sells: 280
- Energy: 700
- Find: Forest of Valor, Sunlit Plateau
- Sells: 400
- Energy: 800
- Find: Peaceful Meadow
- Sells: 550
- Energy: 1200
- Find: Dazzle Beach, Glade of Trust, Forgotten Lands, The Docks, The Overlook
- Sells: 35
- Energy: 150
- Find: Frosted Heights
- Sells: 600
- Energy: 1200
Fugu/Festive Fugu
- Find: Dazzle Beach
- Sells: 900 (festive fish cannot be sold)
- Energy: 1700
Salmon/Festive Salmon
- Find: Sunlit Plateau
- Sells: 150 (festive fish cannot be sold)
- Energy: 500
Squid/Festive Squid
- Find: Glade of Trust, Forgotten Lands
- Sells: 500 (festive fish cannot be sold)
- Energy: 1000
Here and There Fish
- Find: Sunlit Plateau, Peaceful Meadow, Frosted Heights, Dazzle Beach, Forgotten Lands, Forest of Valor, Glade of Trust
- Sells: 2,000
- Energy: 1000
- Find: Dazzle Beach, Glade of Trust
- Sells: 65
- Energy: 250
- Find: Dazzle Beach
- Sells: 450
- Energy: 800
- Find: Forgotten Lands
- Sells: 650
- Energy: 1300
- Find: Glade of Trust
- Sells: 950
- Energy: 1600
- Find: Forest of Valor, Sunlit Plateau, The Grove, The Lagoon
- Sells: 80
- Energy: 400
- Find: Forest of Valor
- Sells: 800
- Energy: 1500
Rainbow Trout
- Find: Peaceful Meadow, Forest of Valor, The Oasis
- Sells: 50
- Energy: 300
- Find: Dazzle Beach
- Sells: 300
- Energy: 750
- Find: Forgotten Lands, The Docks, The Overlook
- Sells: 200
- Energy: 500
- Find: Dazzle Beach
- Sells: 700
- Energy: 1500
- Find: Sunlit Plateau, Frosted Heights
- Sells: 600
- Energy: 1150
- Find: Glade of Trust, Forgotten Lands
- Sells: 95
- Energy: 350
- Find: Sunlit Plateau
- Sells: 1,100
- Energy: 1700
White Sturgeon
- Find: Frosted Heights
- Sells: 1,200
- Energy: 1800
Just The Starters for The Valley
This section will cover the appetizer recipes for the valley.

Arendellian Pickled Herring
- Ingredients: herring, lemon, onion, garlic, any spice/herb
- Sells: 532
- Energy: 2092
Bell Pepper Puffs
- Ingredients: bell pepper, eggs, cheese
- Sells: 606
- Energy: 1272
- Ingredients: wheat, cheese, milk, eggs
- Sells: 948
- Energy: 1881
Cheese Platter
- Ingredients: cheese
- Sells: 216
- Energy: 482
Chili Pepper Puffs
- Ingredients: chili pepper, eggs, cheese
- Sells: 669
- Energy: 1382
- Ingredients: coffee bean
- Sells: 43
- Energy: 730
- Ingredients: any grain
- Sells: 2
- Energy: 80
Creamy Soup
- Ingredients: any spice/herb, milk, potato, any vegetable
- Sells: 568
- Energy: 1129
- Ingredients: any vegetable
- Sells: 26
- Energy: 83
Dream Fizz
- Ingredients: dreamlight fruit, sugarcane, wheat, slush ice
- Sells: 316
- Energy: 1150
Eggplant Puffs
- Ingredients: eggplant, cheese, eggs
- Sells: 991
- Energy: 1941
French Fries
- Ingredients: potato, canola
- Sells: 304
- Energy: 342
- Ingredients: cucumber, tomato, onion, any spice/herb
- Sells: 548
- Energy: 812
Green Salad
- Ingredients: any vegetable, lettuce
- Sells: 20
- Energy: 180
Grilled Vegetables
- Ingredients: any vegetable
- Sells: 9
- Energy: 83
Grilled Veggie Platter
- Ingredients: 3 of any vegetable
- Sells: 33
- Energy: 161
Hard-Boiled Eggs
- Ingredients: eggs
- Sells: 264
- Energy: 578
Large Seafood Platter
- Ingredients: 4 of any seafood
- Sells: 56
- Energy: 1810
- Ingredients: coffee bean, milk
- Sells: 345
- Energy: 1358
- Ingredients: coffee bean, milk, cocoa bean
- Sells: 425
- Energy: 2246
Okra Soup
- Ingredients: okra
- Sells: 136
- Energy: 99
Onion Puffs
- Ingredients: onion, eggs, cheese
- Sells: 798
- Energy: 1392
Oyster Platter
- Ingredients: oyster, lemon
Sell: 107 - Energy: 1155
Peppermint Tea
- Ingredients: lemon, mint
Sell: 107 - Energy: 993
Pickled Herring
- Ingredients: herring, lemon, onion, any spice/herb
- Sells: 423
- Energy: 1733
Potato Leek Soup
- Ingredients: leek, potato, milk, onion, garlic
- Sells: 1,400
- Energy: 1984
Potato Puffs
- Ingredients: potato, egg, cheese
- Sells: 736
- Energy: 1333
- Ingredients: potato, any spice/herb, any vegetable
- Sells: 208
- Energy: 452
Pumpkin Puffs
- Ingredients: pumpkin, eggs, cheese
- Sells: 1,400
- Energy: 1466
Pumpkin Soup
- Ingredients: any vegetable, milk, ginger, pumpkin
- Sells: 1,400
- Energy: 1431
- Ingredients: potato
- Sells: 151
- Energy: 230
Roasted Asparagus
- Ingredients: asparagus, canola
- Sells: 313
- Energy: 221
- Ingredients: lettuce
- Sells: 9
- Energy: 139
Sauteed Mushrooms
- Ingredients: mushrooms, butter
- Sells: 286
- Energy: 712
Seafood Appetizer
- Ingredients: any seafood
- Sells: 1
- Energy: 242
Seafood Platter
- Ingredients: 2 of any seafood
- Sells: 2
- Energy: 458
- Ingredients: cheese, eggs, milk, butter
- Sells: 1,200
- Energy: 2386
Sweet Herring
- Ingredients: herring, onion
- Sells: 305
- Energy: 723
Tomato Soup
- Ingredients: tomato
- Sells: 26
- Energy: 83
Vegetable Soup
- Ingredients: 2 of any vegetable
- Sells: 20
- Energy: 120
Zucchini Puffs
- Ingredients: zucchini, eggs, cheese
- Sells: 632
- Energy: 1216
Something a Little More Filling for The Valley
This section will cover the entree recipes for the valley.

Apple-Cider-Glazed Salmon
- Ingredients: salmon, sugarcane, apple
- Sells: 271
- Energy: 1572
Baked Carp
- Ingredients: carp, butter
- Sells: 767
- Energy: 1894
Basil Omelet
- Ingredients: basil, eggs, cheese, milk
- Sells: 1,000
- Energy: 2035
- Ingredients: 2 of any seafood, shrimp, tomato, and any vegetable
- Sells: 529
- Energy: 2114
Carp Salad
- Ingredients: carp, lemon, lettuce
- Sells: 617
- Energy: 2310
Cheesy Crisp Baked Cod
- Ingredients: cod, wheat, cheese
- Sells: 303
- Energy: 840
- Ingredients: any seafood, milk, potato, any vegetable
- Sells: 547
- Energy: 1186
Creamy Garlic Scallops
- Ingredients: scallop, lemon, butter, garlic
- Sells: 484
- Energy: 1844
Crispy Baked Cod
- Ingredients: cod, wheat
- Sells: 47
- Energy: 337
Fish Creole
- Ingredients: any fish, any vegetable, garlic, rice, tomato
- Sells: 225
- Energy: 822
Fish ‘n’ Chips
- Ingredients: any fish, wheat, canola, potato
- Sells: 356
- Energy: 697
Fish Pasta
- Ingredients: any fish, garlic, wheat, milk
- Sells: 424
- Energy: 1282
Fish Pie
- Ingredients: any fish, wheat, butter
- Sells: 269
- Energy: 867
Fish Risotto
- Ingredients: any fish, rice, butter
- Sells: 352
- Energy: 939
Fish Salad
- Ingredients: any fish, lemon, lettuce
- Sells: 58
- Energy: 1140
Fish Sandwich
- Ingredients: any fish, wheat
- Sells: 3
- Energy: 337
Fish Soup
- Ingredients: any fish, any vegetable, milk
- Sells: 334
- Energy: 978
Fish Steak
- Ingredients: any fish, tomato, basil
- Sells: 101
- Energy: 537
Fish Tacos
- Ingredients: any fish, corn, chili pepper, cheese
- Sells: 412
- Energy: 1171
Fugu Sushi
- Ingredients: fugu, rice, seaweed
- Sells: 1,300
- Energy: 3261
Ghostly Fish Steak
- Ingredients: here and there fish, lemon, asparagus, bell pepper, oregano
- Sells: 3,500
- Energy: 3282
Greek Pizza
- Ingredients: any spice/herb, tomato, onion, cheese, wheat
- Sells: 622
- Energy: 1142
Grilled Fish
- Ingredients: any fish
- Sells: 1
- Energy: 290
Grilled Fish Entree
- Ingredients: any fish, any vegetable
- Sells: 11
- Energy: 340
- Ingredients: okra, shrimp, chili pepper, tomato, onion
- Sells: 1,000
- Energy: 2226
Hearty Salad
- Ingredients: 2 of any vegetable, lettuce
- Sells: 33
- Energy: 224
Hors d’Oeuvres
- Ingredients: any spice/herb
- Sells: 18
- Energy: 194
Kappa Maki
- Ingredients: seaweed, cucumber, rice
- Sells: 335
- Energy: 462
Kronk’s Spinach Puffs
- Ingredients: spinach, cheese, canola
- Sells: 461
- Energy: 750
Lancetfish Paella
- Ingredients: lancetfish, shrimp, any seafood, tomato, rice
- Sells: 1,600
- Energy: 4550
Leek Soup
- Ingredients: leek
- Sells: 370
- Energy: 414
Lemon Garlic Swordfish
- Ingredients: swordfish, garlic, lemon
- Sells: 1,000
- Energy: 3713
Lioness Feast
- Ingredients: mushroom, tomato, oregano, here and there fish
- Sells: 3,100
- Energy: 2368
Lobster Roll
- Ingredients: lobster, wheat, lemon, butter, garlic
- Sells: 1,900
- Energy: 4928
Maguro Sushi
- Ingredients: tuna, seaweed, rice, ginger
- Sells: 338
- Energy: 1206
- Ingredients: any fish, seaweed, rice
- Sells: 114
- Energy: 471
Margherita Pizza
- Ingredients: any spice/herb, tomato, cheese, wheat
- Sells: 328
- Energy: 809
Marvelous Jam
- Ingredients: dreamlight fruit, wheat
- Sells: 54
- Energy: 932
Mediterranean Salad
- Ingredients: cucumber, tomato, onion, lettuce, any spice/herb
- Sells: 597
- Energy: 996
Mushroom Pizza
- Ingredients: mushroom, wheat, tomato, cheese
- Sells: 351
- Energy: 837
Mushu’s Congee
- Ingredients: rice, eggs, mushroom, garlic, ginger
- Sells: 657
- Energy: 1658
- Ingredients: egg, cheese, milk
- Sells: 882
- Energy: 1751
Pan-Fried Angler Fish
- Ingredients: angler fish, tomato, zucchini, potato
- Sells: 2,500
- Energy: 4194
Pan-Seared Bass & Vegetables
- Ingredients: bass, any 2 vegetables
- Sells: 57
- Energy: 394
Pan-Seared Tilapia & Vegetables
- Ingredients: tilapia, any 2 vegetables
- Sells: 862
- Energy: 2194
- Ingredients: wheat, tomato
- Sells: 30
- Energy: 117
Peanut Butter Sandwich
- Ingredients: peanuts, wheat
- Sells: 262
- Energy: 592
- Ingredients: tomato, cheese, wheat
- Sells: 284
- Energy: 607
Poached Basil-Butter Sturgeon
- Ingredients: white sturgeon, basil, lemon, butter
- Sells: 2,200
- Energy: 4961
- Ingredients: milk, wheat
- Sells: 301
- Energy: 668
Porridge with Fruits
- Ingredients: milk, wheat, any fruit
- Sells: 336
- Energy: 742
Ranch Salad
- Ingredients: lettuce, bell pepper, corn, tomato, onion
- Sells: 396
- Energy: 714
- Ingredients: tomato, eggplant, zucchini, onion, any spice/herb
- Sells: 906
- Energy: 1562
Sake Maki
- Ingredients: rice, seaweed, salmon
- Sells: 323
- Energy: 1101
Sake Sushi
- Ingredients: tuna, rice
- Sells: 274
- Energy: 1000
Savory Fish
- Ingredients: any fish, lemon
- Sells: 43
- Energy: 985
Scrambled Egg
- Ingredients: egg, cheese
- Sells: 520
- Energy: 1070
Seafood Pasta
- Ingredients: any seafood, wheat, milk
- Sells: 325
- Energy: 921
Seafood Pie
- Ingredients: any seafood, wheat, butter
- Sells: 269
- Energy: 813
Seafood Salad
- Ingredients: any seafood, lettuce
- Sells: 11
- Energy: 349
Seafood Soup
- Ingredients: any seafood, any 2 vegetables
- Sells: 23
- Energy: 340
Seared Rainbow Trout
- Ingredients: rainbow trout, tomato, onion
- Sells: 338
- Energy: 889
Simple Fried Perch
- Ingredients: perch, wheat, butter
- Sells: 380
- Energy: 1317
Smoked Peanuts and Anglerfish
- Ingredients: angler fish, peanuts
- Sells: 2,200
- Energy: 3960
Sole Meuniere
- Ingredients: sole, wheat, butter, lemon
- Sells: 637
- Energy: 2337
Spaghetti Arrabbiata
- Ingredients: tomato, wheat, chili pepper
- Sells: 141
- Energy: 373
Spicy Baked Bream
- Ingredients: bream, chili pepper, butter
- Sells: 767
- Energy: 2075
Steamed Fugu
- Ingredients: fugu, ginger, garlic
- Sells: 1,400
- Energy: 3668
- Ingredients: any fish, rice
- Sells: 80
- Energy: 405
Sweet & Sour Kingfish Steak
- Ingredients: kingfish, sugarcane, lemon
- Sells: 702
- Energy: 2292
Sweet Udon
- Ingredients: dreamlight fruit, rice, any seafood, any sweet
- Sells: 180
- Energy: 1427
- Ingredients: eggs, sugarcane
- Sells: 310
- Energy: 689
Tasty Salad
- Ingredients: lettuce, cucumber, any vegetable, any spice/herb
- Sells: 284
- Energy: 641
Tasty Veggies
- Ingredients: any vegetable, any spice/herb
- Sells: 29
- Energy: 238
Tekka Maki
- Ingredients: tuna, soya, seaweed, rice
- Sells: 366
- Energy: 984
Teriyaki Salmon
- Ingredients: soya, salmon, sugarcane, rice, ginger
- Sells: 557
- Energy: 1726
Tuna Burger
- Ingredients: tuna, onion, lemon, wheat, any vegetable
- Sells: 491
- Energy: 1922
Vegetarian Pizza
- Ingredients: 2 of any vegetable, tomato, cheese, wheat
- Sells: 350
- Energy: 754
Vegetarian Stew
- Ingredients: potato, carrot, onion
- Sells: 475
- Energy: 617
Vegetarian Taco
- Ingredients: corn, chili pepper, cheese, any vegetable
- Sells: 423
- Energy: 925
Veggie Casserole
- Ingredients: 2 of any vegetables, cheese, any spice/herb
- Sells: 316
- Energy: 812
Veggie Pasta
- Ingredients: tomato, wheat, any vegetable
- Sells: 43
- Energy: 158
Veggie Pie
- Ingredients: any vegetable, butter, wheat
- Sells: 279
- Energy: 634
Veggie Skewers
- Ingredients: mushroom, zucchini, onion, bell pepper
- Sells: 427
- Energy: 767
Walleye en Papillote
- Ingredients: walleye, oregano, basil, any vegetable
- Sells: 1,800
- Energy: 3689
Ending on a Sweet Note for The Valley
This section of the guide will cover the dessert recipes for the valley.

My Hero Cookie
- Ingredients: wheat, butter, any sweet
- Sells: 294
- Energy: 679
Apple Pie
- Ingredients: apple, wheat, butter
- Sells: 303
- Energy: 1137
Apple Sorbet
- Ingredients: slush ice, apple, sugarcane
- Sells: 271
- Energy: 1077
Aurora’s Cake
- Ingredients: wheat, sugarcane, eggs, any fruit, milk
- Sells: 767
- Energy: 1572
Banana Ice Cream
- Ingredients: slush ice, banana, milk, sugarcane
- Sells: 641
- Energy: 1884
Banana Pie
- Ingredients: banana, wheat, butter
- Sells: 308
- Energy: 1227
Banana Split
- Ingredients: slush ice, banana, milk, sugarcane, any sweet
- Sells: 714
- Energy: 2074
- Ingredients: canola, wheat, egg, sugarcane
- Sells: 524
- Energy: 912
Berry Salad
- Ingredients: raspberry, blueberry, gooseberry
- Sells: 139
- Energy: 2255
Birthday Cake
- Ingredients: cocoa bean, wheat, sugarcane, egg, butter
- Sells: 749
- Energy:2310
- Ingredients: wheat, sugarcane, butter
- Sells: 294
- Energy: 679
Blueberry Pie
- Ingredients: blueberry, wheat, butter
- Sells: 308
- Energy: 1227
Boba Tea
- Ingredients: sugarcane, milk
- Sells: 323
- Energy: 714
- Ingredients: any sweet
- Sells: 22
- Energy: 123
Caramel Apples
- Ingredients: sugarcane, apple
- Sells: 56
- Energy: 638
Carrot Cake
- Ingredients: carrot, wheat, egg, sugarcane
- Sells: 427
- Energy: 908
- Ingredients: cheese, wheat, sugarcane, any fruit
- Sells: 314
- Energy: 725
Cherry Pie
- Ingredients: cherry, wheat, butter
- Sells: 326
- Energy: 1497
Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Ingredients: cocoa bean, wheat, sugarcane, butter
- Sells: 373
- Energy: 1569
Chocolate Ice Cream
- Ingredients: cocoa bean, sugarcane, milk, slush ice
- Sells: 655
- Energy: 2074
Chocolate Waffles
- Ingredients: cocoa bean, wheat, egg, milk
- Sells: 735
- Energy: 2223
Coconut Boba Tea
- Ingredients: sugarcane, milk, coconut
- Sells: 406
- Energy: 1653
Coconut Cake
- Ingredients: coconut, wheat, egg, sugarcane
- Sells: 424
- Energy: 1750
Coconut Ice Cream
- Ingredients: slush ice, milk, sugarcane, coconut
- Sells: 661
- Energy: 2169
- Ingredients: wheat, egg, milk, vanilla
- Sells: 753
- Energy: 1624
Dream Ice Cream
- Ingredients: dreamlight fruit, milk, slush ice
- Sells: 588
- Energy: 1976
Fruit Salad
- Ingredients: any fruit
- Sells: 10
- Energy: 83
Fruit Sorbet
- Ingredients: slush ice, any fruit
- Sells: 206
- Energy: 467
- Ingredients: wheat, 3 of any fruit
- Sells: 42
- Energy: 203
Gingerbread House
- Ingredients: wheat, ginger, sugarcane, vanilla, eggs
- Sells: 545
- Energy: 1460
Gooseberry Boba Tea
- Ingredients: sugarcane, milk, gooseberry
- Sells: 418
- Energy: 1833
Gray Stuff
- Ingredients: sugarcane, milk/eggs, cocoa bean
- Sells: 114
- Energy: 1008
Hot Cocoa
- Ingredients: sugarcane, milk, cocoa bean
- Sells: 401
- Energy: 1563
Ice Cream
- Ingredients: slush ice, milk, sugarcane
- Sells: 558
- Energy: 1158
Jam Waffles
- Ingredients: any fruit, wheat, eggs, milk
- Sells: 691
- Energy: 1407
Lemon Sorbet
- Ingredients: slush ice, lemon
- Sells: 237
- Energy: 1112
Meringue Pie
- Ingredients: lemon, wheat, egg, butter
- Sells: 667
- Energy: 2014
Minnie’s Gingerbread Cookies
- Ingredients: wheat, ginger
- Sells: 67
- Energy: 379
Mint Boba Tea
- Ingredients: sugarcane, milk, mint
- Sells: 418
- Energy: 1032
Mint Candy
- Ingredients: mint, sugarcane
- Sells: 89
- Energy: 391
Mint Chocolate
- Ingredients: mint, sugarcane, butter, cocoa bean
- Sells: 445
- Energy: 1827
Mint Sorbet
- Ingredients: slush ice, mint
- Sells: 260
- Energy: 695
Pastry Cream and Fruits
- Ingredients: 3 of any fruit, milk, sugarcane
- Sells: 440
- Energy: 958
- Ingredients: slush ice, sugarcane, any fruit
- Sells: 248
- Energy: 574
Peanut Butter Waffles
- Ingredients: peanuts, wheat, eggs, milk
- Sells: 978
- Energy: 1938
Plain Snow Cones
- Ingredients: slush ice
- Sells: 180
- Energy: 410
Raspberry Boba Tea
- Ingredients: sugarcane, milk, raspberry
- Sells: 377
- Energy: 1248
Red Fruit Pie
- Ingredients: any red fruit, wheat, butter
- Sells: 280
- Energy: 634
Red Fruit Sorbet
- Ingredients: slush ice, raspberry, gooseberry, sugarcane
- Sells: 359
- Energy: 2226
Root Beer
- Ingredients: ginger, sugarcane, vanilla
- Sells: 166
- Energy: 690
- Ingredients: milk
- Sells: 30
- Energy: 109
Snow White’s Gooseberry Pie
- Ingredients: gooseberry, wheat, butter
- Sells: 338
- Energy: 1677
Sour Snow Cones
- Ingredients: slush ice, lemon, sugarcane
- Sells: 282
- Energy: 1257
Spring Chocolate
- Ingredients: spring v-egg-etable, sugarcane, cocoa bean
- Sells: 254
- Energy: 1392
Spring Egg Bowl
- Ingredients: spring v-egg-etable, egg-celent fruit, wild spring egg, cocoa bean, sugarcane
- Sells: 370
- Energy: 1942
Spring Mimosa Eggs
- Ingredients: spring v-egg-etable, egg-celent fruit, wild spring egg, basil
- Sells: 336
- Energy: 1095
Sweet Slush
- Ingredients: slush ice, any sweet
- Sells: 219
- Energy: 510
Tropical Pop
- Ingredients: slush ice, any fruit, sugarcane, coconut
- Sells: 329
- Energy: 1553
Vanilla Ice Cream
- Ingredients: slush ice, milk, sugarcane, vanilla
- Sells: 673
- Energy: 1475
- Ingredients: wheat, milk, egg, any sweet
- Sells: 706
- Energy: 1455
Wedding Cake
- Ingredients: butter, sugarcane, vanilla, egg, wheat
- Sells: 769
- Energy: 1680
Whimsical Pie
- Ingredients: dreamlight fruit, wheat, butter
- Sells: 324
- Energy: 1497
Wonderland Cookies
- Ingredients: butter, sugarcane, vanilla, wheat
- Sells: 391
- Energy: 970
Yule Log
- Ingredients: wheat, cocoa bean, vanilla, cherry
- Sells: 198
- Energy: 2147
Ingredients on The Isle
Here are the ingredients found on the isle and the information for each one. The information given are where to buy them, where they grow faster, the time for growing, how much you harvest, how much they sell for, and how much energy they give you when eaten.
Protein can only be purchased at Gaston’s stall. His stock rotates between 3 proteins.

- Find: The Grasslands, The Promenade, The Grove, The Lagoon
- Sells: 80
- Energy: 155
- Find: The Plains, The Wastes, The Oasis, The Borderlands for 50 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 1 hour
- Gives: 3 beans
- Sells: 49
- Energy: 41
- Find: The Plains, The Wastes, The Oasis, The Borderlands for 60 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 40 minutes
- Gives: 1 broccoli
- Sells: 152
- Energy: 73
- Find: The Grasslands, The Promenade, The Grove, The Lagoon for 150 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 1 hour
- Gives: 1 cabbage
- Sells: 256
- Energy: 142
- Find: The Docks, The Courtyard, The Overlook, The Ruins for 20 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 10 minutes
- Gives: 1 celery
- Sells: 65
- Energy: 60
Flute Root
- Find: The Plains, The Wastes, The Oasis, The Borderlands for 70 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 1 hour 15 minutes
- Gives: 2 flute root
- Sells: 112
- Energy: 46
Ruby Lentils
- Find: The Grasslands, The Promenade, The Grove, The Lagoon for 250 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 2 hours
- Gives: 3 ruby lentils
- Sells: 156
- Energy: 37
- Find: The Grasslands, The Promenade, The Grove, The Lagoon for 100 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 4 hours
- Gives: 2 turnip
- Sells: 187
- Energy: 263
- Find: The Docks, The Courtyard, The Overlook, The Ruins for 15 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 15 minutes
- Gives: 1 yam
- Sells: 36
- Energy: 83
Fruit locations can be changed. You can move the trees/bushes to different locations to make it easier for harvesting.

- Find: The Grasslands, The Promenade, The Lagoon, The Grove
- Grows In: 50 minutes
- Gives: 2 almonds
- Sells: 42
- Energy: 500
- Find: The Oasis, The Borderlands
- Grows In: 45 minutes
- Gives: 2 cactoberries
- Sells: 34
- Energy: 400
Cosmic Figs
- Find: The Docks, The Courtyard, The Overlook, The Ruins for 10 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 25 minutes
- Gives: 2 cosmic figs
- Sells: 22
- Energy: 52
- Find: The Plains, The Wastes, The Borderlands
- Grows In: 55 minutes
- Gives: 3 dates
- Sells: 29
- Energy: 350
- Find: The Grove, The Lagoon
- Grows In: 1 hour
- Gives: 2 dreamango
- Sells: 50
- Energy: 600
- Find: The Docks, The Courtyard, The Overlook, The Ruins for 5 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 20 minutes
- Gives: 3 grapes
- Sells: 9
- Energy: 21
- Find: The Plains, The Wastes, The Oasis, The Borderlands for 40 (also grow faster here)
- Grows In: 30 minutes
- Gives: 1 melon
- Sells: 93
- Energy: 88
Nestling Pear
- Find: The Overlook, The Ruins
- Grows In: 35 minutes
- Gives: 2 nestling pear
- Sells: 25
- Energy: 300
- Find: The Grasslands, The Promenade, The Grove, The Lagoon for 200 (also grows faster here)
- Grows In: 3 hours
- Gives: 1 pineapple
- Sells: 532
- Energy: 168
- Find: The Docks, The Courtyard, The Ruins, The Overlook
- Grows In: 30 minutes
- Gives: 2 strawberry
- Sells: 23
- Energy: 275

- Purchase: Glittering Dunes for 250
- Sells: 250
- Energy: 250
- Purchase: Glittering Dunes for 500
- Sells: 500
- Energy: 250
- Purchase: Glittering Dunes for 1,000
- Sells: 1,000
- Energy: 250
Spices & Herbs

- Find: The Plains, The Wastes, The Oasis, The Borderlands
- Sells: 25
- Energy: 100
- Find: The Grasslands
- Sells: 30
- Energy: 155
- Find: The Docks, The Courtyard, The Overlook, The Ruins
- Sells: 15
- Energy: 90
- Find: The Overlook, The Ruins
- Sells: 30
- Energy: 105
- Find: The Oasis, The Borderlands
- Sells: 50
- Energy: 125
The Fish of The Isle
Here are the fish that are located on the isle. None of these fish can be found in the valley.

Brilliant Blue Starfish
- Find: The Oasis
- Sells: 875
- Energy: 1650
- Find: The Oasis
- Sells: 550
- Energy: 1100
Electric Eel
- Find: The Grasslands, The Promenade
- Sells: 1,000
- Energy: 1550
- Find: The Docks, The Overlook
- Sells: 290
- Energy: 700
- Find: The Lagoon
- Sells: 1,300
- Energy: 1900
- Find: The Grasslands, The Promenade, The Grove, The Lagoon
- Sells: 625
- Energy: 1250
Pretty Pink Starfish
- Find: The Oasis
- Sells: 875
- Energy: 1500
Prisma Shrimp
- Find: The Grove
- Sells: 1,100
- Energy: 1600
Robot Fish
- Find: The Docks, The Overlook
- Sells: 625
- Energy: 1350
Sand Fish
- Find: The Plains, The Wastes, The Borderlands
- Sells: 30
- Energy: 150
Sand Worm
- Find: The Plains, The Wastes, The Borderlands
- Sells: 800
- Energy: 1650
- Find: The Plains, The Wastes, The Borderlands
- Sells: 425
- Energy: 900
Sea Snail
- Find: The Docks, The Overlook
- Sells: 250
- Energy: 800
- Find: The Docks, The Overlook
- Sells: 60
- Energy: 300
Skeleton Fish
- Find: The Plains, The Wastes, The Borderlands
- Sells: 100
- Energy: 500
Just The Starters for The Isle
This section will cover the appetizer recipes for the isle.

Arepas Con Queso
- Ingredients: corn, cheese, agave
- Sells: 309
- Energy: 770
- Ingredients: pork, wheat, soya, any spice/herb
- Sells: 503
- Energy: 842
Barbecued Brilliant Blue Starfish
- Ingredients: brilliant blue starfish, mint
- Sells: 1,200
- Energy: 3118
Barbecued Pretty Pink Starfish
- Ingredients: pretty pink starfish, paprika
- Sells: 1,200
- Energy: 2812
Bulgur Salad
- Ingredients: wheat, cucumber, tomato, mint, any spice/herb
- Sells: 396
- Energy: 910
Clam Juice
- Ingredients: clam, tomato
- Sells: 93
- Energy: 289
- Ingredients: cabbage, carrot
- Sells: 389
- Energy: 387
Conche Ceviche
- Ingredients: sea snail, onion, tomato, lemon
- Sells: 712
- Energy: 2646
Crab Melts
- Ingredients: crab, cheese
- Sells: 1,000
- Energy: 2549
- Ingredients: any protein, wheat, any vegetable, soya
- Sells: 493
- Energy: 710
- Ingredients: beans, cumin, garlic
- Sells: 159
- Energy: 528
Nuts & Bolts
- Ingredients: robot fish, almonds
- Sells: 866
- Energy: 3195
Roasted Almonds
- Ingredients: almonds, agave
- Sells: 86
- Energy: 1070
Royal Ice Tea
- Ingredients: slush ice, majestea
- Sells: 234
- Energy: 610
Royal Latte
- Ingredients: milk, majestea
- Sells: 338
- Energy: 814
Royal Tea
- Ingredients: majestea
- Sells: 36
- Energy: 218
Sand Worm Carpaccio Plate
- Ingredients: sand worm, melon
- Sells: 1,100
- Energy: 3004
Shad Ceviche
- Ingredients: shad, onion, tomato, lemon
- Sells: 427
- Energy: 1696
Spicy Scorpion Skewer
- Ingredients: scorpion, paprika
- Sells: 617
- Energy: 1792
Takoyaki Stick
- Ingredients: octopus, seaweed, egg, soya
- Sells: 898
- Energy: 2164
Thousand Needles
- Ingredients: brilliant blue starfish, pretty pink starfish, cactoberry
- Sells: 2,400
- Energy: 5000
Tomato Basil Soup
- Ingredients: tomato, basil
- Sells: 93
- Energy: 255
Vegetarian Dumplings
- Ingredients: wheat, any vegetable, soya
- Sells: 109
- Energy: 225
Something a Little More Filling for The Isle
This section will cover the entree recipes for the isle.

- Ingredients: corn, potato, poultry
- Sells: 898
- Energy: 757
Baked Beans
- Ingredients: beans, pork
- Sells: 388
- Energy: 544
Best Fish Forever
- Ingredients: sea snail, robot fish, celery, cumin
- Sells: 1,400
- Energy: 4420
- Ingredients: poultry, rice, cinnamon, cumin, mint
- Sells: 1,000
- Energy: 1468
Blend of the Bayou
- Ingredients: prisma shrimp, rice, celery, butter, any spice/herb
- Sells: 2,400
- Energy: 4238
Bony Osso Buco
- Ingredients: skeleton fish, celery, any vegetable, grapes
- Sells: 272
- Energy: 1192
Braised Abalone
- Ingredients: oyster, sea snail, mushrooms, garlic
- Sells: 570
- Energy: 2500
Braised Bamboo Shoots
- Ingredients: bamboo, canola, soya, ginger
- Sells: 461
- Energy: 898
Brandade de Morue
- Ingredients: cod, potato, milk, lemon, garlic
- Sells: 757
- Energy: 2336
- Ingredients: any protein, wheat, beans, cumin
- Sells: 473
- Energy: 809
Butter Chicken
- Ingredients: poultry, tomato, butter, lemon, cumin
- Sells: 1,200
- Energy: 2142
- Ingredients: venison, wheat, any vegetable, cheese
- Sells: 1,700
- Energy: 1113
Chicken Souvlaki
- Ingredients: poultry, lemon, mint, paprika
- Sells: 949
- Energy: 1816
Classic Mac & Cheese
- Ingredients: wheat, cheese
- Sells: 236
- Energy: 541
Club Sandwich
- Ingredients: pork, poultry, wheat, tomato
- Sells: 1,100
- Energy: 1075
Coq en Barbouille
- Ingredients: poultry, onion, any vegetable, grapes
- Sells: 1,000
- Energy: 880
Cream Cheese Bagel
- Ingredients: wheat, cheese, any sweet
- Sells: 280
- Energy: 652
Crimson Burger
- Ingredients: wheat, any vegetable, ruby lentils
- Sells: 231
- Energy: 187
Dragon Roll Maki
- Ingredients: electric eel, rice, seaweed, any vegetable
- Sells: 1,600
- Energy: 3193
Fabulous Fajitas
- Ingredients: poultry, wheat, 2 of any vegetable, cumin
- Sells: 851
- Energy: 852
Good Ol’ Fashioned Burger
- Ingredients: venison, wheat, lettuce
- Sells: 1,400
- Energy: 634
Hamburger Steak
- Ingredients: venison, potato, any vegetable, beans
- Sells: 1,700
- Energy: 855
Hawaiian Pizza
- Ingredients: pork, wheat, tomato, cheese, pineapple
- Sells: 1,500
- Energy: 1506
Jerk Chicken
- Ingredients: poultry, onion, garlic, any spice/herb
- Sells: 1,100
- Energy: 1229
- Ingredients: onion, potato, canola, eggs
- Sells: 937
- Energy: 1280
- Ingredients: flute root, yam, canola
- Sells: 358
- Energy: 387
Meat Pie
- Ingredients: any protein, wheat, butter
- Sells: 618
- Energy: 1047
Meaty Taco
- Ingredients: venison, chili pepper, corn, any vegetable, cumin
- Sells: 1,700
- Energy: 1112
Milky Way Stew
- Ingredients: rainbow trout, milk, turnip, cosmic fig
- Sells: 733
- Energy: 1872
Moqueca de Pirarucu
- Ingredients: pirarucu, 2 of any vegetable, coconut
- Sells: 1,000
- Energy: 3453
- Ingredients: chili pepper, corn, cheese
- Sells: 383
- Energy: 842
Pasta with Herbs
- Ingredients: wheat, butter, any spice/herb
- Sells: 289
- Energy: 759
Pesto with Linguine
- Ingredients: wheat, butter, garlic, oregano
- Sells: 438
- Energy: 1063
Piquant Piranha Soup
- Ingredients: chili pepper, bamboo, piranha
- Sells: 2,000
- Energy: 4001
- Ingredients: potato, canola, cheese
- Sells: 580
- Energy: 845
Pulled Pork
- Ingredients: pork, onion, tomato, oregano
- Sells: 738
- Energy: 1021
Pupusas Revueltas
- Ingredients: poultry, corn, beans
- Sells: 790
- Energy: 627
- Ingredients: prisma shrimp, any seafood, rainbow trout, tomato, any vegetable
- Sells: 2,000
- Energy: 4174
- Ingredients: pork, wheat, eggs
- Sells: 660
- Energy: 1128
Rhapsody Roll
- Ingredients: rice, flute root, seaweed, any vegetable
- Sells: 301
- Energy: 335
- Ingredients: any protein
- Sells: 300
- Energy: 450
Royal Burger
- Ingredients: pork, venison, wheat, any vegetable, cheese
- Sells: 2,300
- Energy: 1670
Ruby Masoor Dal
- Ingredients: chili pepper, tomato, ruby lentils
- Sells: 357
- Energy: 405
Sand Stew
- Ingredients: dunebopper, sand worm, any vegetable, sand fish, any spice/herb
- Sells: 2,200
- Energy: 5000
Sausage and Sauerkraut Platter
- Ingredients: pork, cabbage, potato
- Sells: 884
- Energy: 958
- Ingredients: poultry, wheat, canola
- Sells: 854
- Energy: 640
Sesame Seed Bagel
- Ingredients: wheat, any sweet
- Sells: 26
- Energy: 160
- Ingredients: venison, rice, lemon, cinnamon, garlic
- Sells: 1,800
- Energy: 2048
Shish Taouk
- Ingredients: poultry, rice, lemon, garlic, oregano
- Sells: 1,100
- Energy: 1928
Sweet and Sour Stir-Fry
- Ingredients: poultry, broccoli, canola, dreamango, pineapple
- Sells: 2,100
- Energy: 2350
Tandoori Chicken
- Ingredients: chili pepper, poultry, cumin, paprika
- Sells: 964
- Energy: 1199
- Ingredients: soya
- Sells: 82
- Energy: 142
- Ingredients: venison, wheat, potato, any vegetable
- Sells: 1,700
- Energy: 814
Turkey Leg
- Ingredients: poultry, cumin, paprika, agave
- Sells: 884
- Energy: 1123
Turnip Tartiflette
- Ingredients: pork, turnip, cheese
- Sells: 863
- Energy: 1459
Vegetarian Turnip Tartiflette
- Ingredients: mushrooms, turnip, soya
- Sells: 399
- Energy: 816
- Ingredients: pork, wheat, cabbage
- Sells: 710
- Energy: 789
Ending on a Sweet Note for The Isle
This section of the guide will cover the dessert recipes for the isle.

Apple Sauce
- Ingredients: apple, cinnamon
- Sells: 71
- Energy: 823
Basil Berry Salad
- Ingredients: blueberry, basil, strawberry
- Sells: 142
- Energy: 1355
- Ingredients: wheat, cheese, eggs, vanilla
- Sells: 678
- Energy: 1482
Caramel Macarons
- Ingredients: almonds, eggs, agave
- Sells: 401
- Energy: 1724
Charlotte Cake
- Ingredients: wheat, strawberry, agave
- Sells: 69
- Energy: 759
Chocolate Macarons
- Ingredients: almonds, eggs, cocoa bean
- Sells: 419
- Energy: 2354
Cinnamon Donut
- Ingredients: wheat, eggs, cinnamon, any sweet
- Sells: 406
- Energy: 1094
Cotton Candy
- Ingredients: agave, sugarcane
- Sells: 56
- Energy: 298
- Ingredients: wheat, butter
- Sells: 249
- Energy: 566
- Ingredients: wheat, eggs, cherry, agave
- Sells: 433
- Energy: 1853
- Ingredients: wheat, butter, 2 of any fruits
- Sells: 314
- Energy: 705
Dreamango Boba Tea
- Ingredients: milk, dreamango, sugarcane
- Sells: 418
- Energy: 1833
French Macarons
- Ingredients: almonds, eggs
- Sells: 340
- Energy: 1461
Fruit Milkshake
- Ingredients: slush ice, milk, any fruit
- Sells: 544
- Energy: 1113
Glazed Donut
- Ingredients: wheat, eggs, any sweet
- Sells: 336
- Energy: 760
Gourmet Grubs
- Ingredients: sea snail, sand worm, scorpion
- Sells: 2,000
- Energy: 5000
Jam Macarons
- Ingredients: almonds, eggs, any fruit
- Sells: 378
- Energy: 1581
- Ingredients: wheat, butter, eggs, cinnamon
- Sells: 663
- Energy: 1548
- Ingredients: wheat, 2 butter, agave
- Sells: 610
- Energy: 1358
- Ingredients: wheat, almonds, dates
- Sells: 100
- Energy: 1614
- Ingredients: wheat, canola, dates, cinnamon
- Sells: 254
- Energy: 1157
Melon Boba Tea
- Ingredients: melon, milk, sugarcane
- Sells: 478
- Energy: 911
- Ingredients: wheat, canola, beans, agave
- Sells: 276
- Energy: 465
Nestling Crepe
- Ingredients: wheat, eggs, milk, nestling pear
- Sells: 715
- Energy: 1938
Pasteis de Nata
- Ingredients: corn,eggs, milk, vanilla
- Sells: 774
- Energy: 1645
Pear Upside-Down Cake
- Ingredients: wheat, eggs, nestling pears
- Sells: 345
- Energy: 1218
Pineapple Soft Serve
- Ingredients: slush ice, pineapple
- Sells: 886
- Energy: 717
- Ingredients: corn, canola
- Sells: 161
- Energy: 201
Raspberry Jam Sandwich
- Ingredients: wheat, raspberry
- Sells: 29
- Energy: 549
Red Velvet
- Ingredients: wheat, cheese, eggs, cocoa bean, vanilla
- Sells: 783
- Energy: 2458
Spicy Macarons
- Ingredients: chili pepper, almonds, eggs
- Sells: 475
- Energy: 1796
Spiky Berry Pie
- Ingredients: wheat, butter, cactoberry, strawberry, any spice/herb
- Sells: 421
- Energy: 2188
Stellar Milkshake
- Ingredients: slush ice, milk, cosmic fig
- Sells: 562
- Energy: 1169
Strawberry Pie
- Ingredients: wheat, butter, strawberry
- Sells: 300
- Energy: 1092
Strawberry Shortcake
- Ingredients: wheat, eggs, strawberry
- Sells: 342
- Energy: 1173
Stuffed Dates
- Ingredients: almonds, dates
- Sells: 91
- Energy: 1495
Sugar-Free Banana Muffin
- Ingredients: wheat, banana
- Sells: 39
- Energy: 677
Sugar-Free Blueberry Muffin
- Ingredients: wheat, blueberry
- Sells: 39
- Energy: 677
Sugar-Free Fruit Explosion Muffin
- Ingredients: wheat, 2 of any fruit, agave
- Sells: 66
- Energy: 354
Sugar-Free Fruit Muffin
- Ingredients: wheat, any red fruit
- Sells: 13
- Energy: 117
Sweet Popcorn
- Ingredients: corn, canola, agave
- Sells: 209
- Energy: 390
Sweet Tofu
- Ingredients: soya, any fruit
- Sells: 100
- Energy: 183
- Ingredients: sand fish, beans
- Sells: 102
- Energy: 374
Vanilla Macarons
- Ingredients: almonds, eggs, vanilla
- Sells: 436
- Energy: 1787
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