This build guide is for easy personal reference in game. If you found it useful all the better.
Eternal Warrior / Death Knight
- Strength
- Intelligence (3-4)
- Memory (Only If Needed)
- Wits
- Two-Handed/One-Handed (Optional 2)
- Warfare (Max)
- Polymorph (1 at CC, 3 at Act 2)
- Scoundrel (1)
- Hydrosophist (1)
- Necromancer (2-3)
- Aerotheurge (2 at Act 2)
- Opportunist at CC
- Living Armour at level 3
- Executioner at level 8
- Hothead at level 13
- Optional Pet Pal
- Battle Stomp
- Tentacle Lash
- Bull Horns
- Battering Ram
- Adrenaline
- Armour Of Frost
- Vampiric Hunger
- Blitz Attack
- Whirlwind
- Phoenix Dive
- Bone Cage
- Teleportation
- Uncanny Evasion
- Challenge
- Skin Graft
(Stat sheet level 15 for easy reference)

Ranger / Summoner
- Finesse
- Wits
- Constitution
- Warfare (Max)
- Summoning (Max)
- Huntsman (3)
- Ranged
- Necromancer (Optional)
- Far Out Man
- Elemental Ranger
- Executioner
- Arrow Recovery
- Pet Pal (Optional)
- Hothead
- Living Armour (Optional)
Huntsman Skills:
- First Aid
- Ricochet
- Tactical Retreat
- Sky Shot
- Ballistic Shot
- Marksman’s Fang
- Arrow Spray
Summoning Skills:
- Conjure Incarnate
- Farsight Infusion
- Power Infusion
- Soul Mate
- Dominate Mind
(Level 14 Ranger stat sheet for easy reference)

Blood Mage
- Intelligence
- Wits
- Constitution
- Necromancer (3)
- Hydropsophist (3)
- Pyrokinetic (2)
- Warfare
- Elemental Affinity
- Executioner
- Savage Sortilege
- Hothead
- Far Out Man
Necromancer Skills:
- Blood Sucker
- Mosquito Swarm
- Decaying Touch
- Raining Blood
- Shackles Of Pain
- Infect
- Bone Cage
- Grasp Of The Starved
- Blood Storm
Miscellaneous Skills:
- Bouncing Shield (If you have a shield)
- Deflective Barrier
- Challenge
- Corpse Explosion
- Mass Corpse Explosion
- Armour Of Frost
(Level 14 stat sheet for easy reference)

Frost Paladin
- Strength
- Wits
- Intelligence (1-2 points)
- Warfare
- Hydrosophist
- Necromancer (2 Points)
- Polymorph (1 Point)
- Scoundrel (2 Points)
- Opportunist
- Executioner
- Living Armour
- Hothead
- Picture Of Health
- Elemental Affinity
Warfare Skills:
- Battle Stomp
- Bouncing Shield
- Battering Ram
- Blitz Attack
- Whirlwind
- Phoenix Dive
- Deflective Barrier
- Guardian Angel
- Challenge
Hydrosophist Skills:
- Armour Of Frost
- Rain
- Restoration
- Cleanse Wounds
- Cryotherapy
- Global Cooling
- Healing Ritual
- Mass Cleanse Wounds
- Ice Breaker
Miscellaneous Skills:
- Adrenaline
- Cloak And Dagger
- Tentacle Lash
- Bone Cage
- Bless
(Stat sheet for easy reference)

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