Medieval Dynasty – Making Your Villagers Happy

How to Make Your Villagers Happy!

Basic Needs

You need two main buildings to keep your villagers happy. First, you must build a food storage building and always keep food inside it for your villagers to eat. Second, you need a material storage building that must always have wood stored inside for your villagers to use.

When you have both buildings and keep them filled with supplies, your villagers will stay at 50% happiness. This is enough to keep them living in your village. But if you’re missing either one of the storage buildings, or if you run out of supplies inside them, your villagers will become unhappy very quickly. They will leave your village within 2-3 days if you don’t fix the problem.

Remember: Just make sure both storage buildings exist and stay filled, and your villagers won’t leave.


  • Villagers can only consume food and wood when they are in the storage buildings. They cannot take them out of boxes or lying around.
  • It is not necessary to assign workers to the storage buildings as shop keepers. Right now shop keepers don´t do any work.
  • Your wife counts as a villager, too. She, too, needs the storage buildings to keep her supplied and happy.

50% happiness is enough to make your villagers stay and work, so there is no need to raise villager happiness further. Productivity seems to depend on skill level, not on happiness. Still, villagers can become more happy than that and it´s fun to see smiling faces.


Upgrading houses with clay timber (crafted in barn from clay and straw) raises happiness of all inhabitants by 3%. If the house needs repair, happiness drops by 1%.


If you assign one man and one woman to a house, after a while they will start liking each other and their happiness rises by 5%.

  • Then the woman has a baby and both parents get an additional 5% happiness.
  • (Your wife gets the same 5% bonus when marrying you plus 5% when having a child.)
  • Houses have room for 4 people, so villagers can have a second child and become 5% more happy again.
  • Added up, that´s plus 15% happiness for parents of 2 children.
  • (Don´t know about grandchildren yet.)


  • The tier 3 tavern has a barrel, but crafting is not yet implemented.

Please let me know if you found out anything else!

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 897 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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