Soul Knight – Cloud Save Limitation Guide

Limitation on Device

You can bind devices with the same account 5 times within 90 days. But you have to wait for 24 hours between 2 bindings.

Once you have run out of your 5 chances, you won’t be granted an extra chance before the 90-day period ends. When a new cycle of 90 days starts, your chances will refresh back to 5.

Q: How is a chance deemed consumed?

  • Logging into your account on a new device and uploading or downloading your progress.
  • Logging into your account on an old device that has been reset, and uploading or downloading your progress.
  • Logging into your account on emulators, and uploading or downloading your progress.
  • Switching to a different account on the same device, and uploading or downloading your progress.

Q: When does the 90-day period start and end?

If you have already used up your 5 chances, you will be notified of a waiting period of X days. When the waiting period ends, a new cycle of 90 days starts and you have another 5 chances. If you haven’t used up 5 chances, the 90-day period starts from the first time you upload your progress to the cloud.

Q: What should I do when I get the message that says “You’ve reached your 5-device limit”?

It means that you have run out of all chances. Please wait for the next cycle of 90 days to start. When you are in the waiting period, devices that have already been bound with the account won’t be automatically unbound, but you won’t be able to bind a new device with that account.

Account & Device

One device can be bound with one account ONLY at one time. But multiple devices can be bound with the same account. You can only unbind your account from the device once every week.

Q: What should I do if I get the message that says “The device is bound with another account. You can only unbind once in 7 days. Please retry after X days.”?

You have to wait for X days. There is no other way to skip the waiting.

Limitation on Uploading Progress

Save data can’t be shared between two accounts.

Q: What should I do if I get the message that says “The save data does not belong to the current account”?

Check if you have multiple accounts. It is very likely that you’ve signed up for 2 accounts with the same email address. For example, you’ve signed in with Google using [email protected], and later you sign up for a ChillyRoom Account using the same email address, [email protected].

In this case, you’ve created 2 accounts, though the email address bound with them is [email protected]. The game data achieved in your Google Account won’t be shared with your ChillyRoom Account, nor vice versa. The same situation applies to Apple users.

If you’re unsure about having registered multiple accounts, try logging in via both login methods. Or, Feel free to reach out to us via [email protected].

Note: Giving out or selling your ChillyRoom account to others is prohibited. Any user who sells their ChillyRoom accounts will be held accountable legally.

And any user who purchases and uses this kind of illegal product will be solely responsible for the consequences caused.

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 892 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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