This will help you backup in no clicks and restore honour save game in 1 drag and drop.
This is not user friendly guide, you need to know what is and how to use:
- Autohotkey 1.1
- Notepad
- MSdos Bat Script
- Windows Powershell
Backing Up the Save
Create new autohotkey 1.1. script file and paste the below:
; Function that looksup a folder
Zip_Folder =
Zip_Folder = %A_LoopFileName%
break ; takes only 1 iteration for 1 folder
return Zip_Folder
; Function zips it to D:\BaldursGateBackups\
; Get name of a folder to zip
Zip_Folder := GetZipFolder()
if not (Zip_Folder)
exit ; no folder found
; Get the current date and time in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH-mm-ss"
FormatTime, dateTime, %A_Now%, MM-dd-HH-mm
; Create a zip file path and name
Zip_Destination := "D:\BaldursGateBackups\" dateTime ".zip"
; Execute zip action
RunWait PowerShell.exe -Command Compress-Archive -LiteralPath '%Zip_Folder%' -CompressionLevel NoCompression -DestinationPath '%Zip_Destination%',, Hide
; Save mod date for current folder
global FolderModTime := 0
FileGetTime, FolderModTime, %Zip_Folder%
; on launch backup
; general loop
; Sleep, 600000 ; 10 minutes
; Sleep, 360000 ; 6 minutes
Sleep, 120000 ; 2 minutes
currentModTime := 0
Zip_Folder := GetZipFolder()
FileGetTime, currentModTime, %Zip_Folder%
if (currentModTime != FolderModTime)
The script should be placed in the same folder where THE ONLY SINGLE SAVE FOLDER (for honour mode) EXISTS. Delete all other save games.
Save Location
- C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur’s Gate 3\PlayerProfiles\Public\Savegames\Story
This folder should have 1 ahk script and 1 folder with __HonourMode in the name.
How the Script Works
It zips the save folder to d:\baldursgatebackups\ every 2 minutes if the folder size changed from last iteration. you can keep the script always launched coz it does nothing if size does not change.
- If you need to backup your save (after quicksave) just relaunch the script.
- Wait for saving to finish.
- When you restore the script will backup the save making copies of same savegame.
Create .BAT file in D:\BaldursGateBackups
PowerShell.exe -Command Expand-Archive %1 "D:\BaldursGateBackups" -Force
copy /Y NAMEOFYOURSAVE__HonourMode "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\PlayerProfiles\Public\Savegames\Story\NAMEOFYOURSAVE__HonourMode"
- Change NAMEOFYOURSAVE__HonourMode to your save folder name
- Drag and drop zip folder to the bat file, see 1 sec of blue window
The End
- Savegames can be with 100 kb size —> relaunch script, bg3 was making save when script was launched
- Save does not revert
- Zip file have spaces in the name. remove spaces and try again
- Delete save folder in the backup folder and in bg3 save folder, then try again
- Rename significant savefiles
- Dont delete your backups
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