Where to Get the Archdemon Soul Stealing Skill Learned (Legendary Internal)
In Shifa temple there is a 2 seperate ways to get the sutra one way is through the library not sure if this works for getting the soul stealing internal.
The other is to go on the yan yun army questline you go to the wine tower in Dailang to do the first part then when you go to Shifa and head towards the library a scene will trigger for part 2 in this scene you will get a chance to team up with Wan Yan Liang to fight the monk do this the monk dies you get the first part of the sutra.
The other part is available as a contribution reward from shifa temple. It is up to you whether you spend gold bullion to reset relations or have the contribution half first.
Also what I mean by don’t learn I mean don’t combine the two halves into the actual thing.
I hope this is helpful. Good luck to you!
Well after reading this I started a new game with the conquerer trait that makes me level 100 with -100 benevolence. I have one of those sutras engraved on a stone at my homestead. The sutra on my stone at my homestead worked for this. To get his opinion up I got the paintings and caligraphy from the nameless mayor basement and appraised them. After giving gifts I had to steal to get benevolence back down. But I just managed to get the soul stealing manual on another stone at my hometead.