Quick Links
General Notes
Do these things before starting the islands:
- Get your ship upgraded first. Go to Vern and do the quest for the level 2 Estoque ship. This will make sailing much easier.
- Put on gear that helps you move faster. Use accessories with swiftness stats and equip skills that let you move around quickly. You can’t use mounts on these islands, so being fast is important.
- If you need to leave an island quickly, you have two options:
- Use the Song of Escape.
- Type /escape in chat.
- Both of these have a 15-minute cooldown, so use them wisely.
Quick Reference
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Shadow Island
- For the 2nd part, Ganecron is on the floor with bandit looking mobs on the bottom left, and Kangul is on the succubus floor on the middle right.
- Last part requires you to do floor 24 of Shadespire aka Tower which can be found in any major city (you might want to do this part on an alt as clearing tower first gives account bound rewards, then clears of subsequent characters gives a ton character bound mats).
- 8050 silver
- 18000 harmony shards
- 1450 guardian stones
- 720 destruction stones
- 28 leap stones
- Shadow Island Token
Panda Island
- The first yellow quest requires you to go to three locations not shown on the map, they are approximately located at:
- Very top and very right
- Middle and very left
- Very bottom and middle
- 14000 silver
- 380 destruction stones
- 1100 guardian stones
- 12000 harmony shards
- 28 leap stones
Starlight Isle
- This is a very long chain and requires you to go to these locations:
- Shushire, Runaways Island, Facility X-301, Rethramis, and finally Liebeheim.
- 130 leap stones
- 19500 harmony shards
- Stat potion
Toto Silver Island
- 4th part requires going to Tortoyk
- 35000 silver
- 23000 harmony shards
- Frustrated emote
Serenity Isle
- Start by interacting with the trash pile.
- The 3rd part requires you to go to Yudia (Morai Ruins) and Tortoyk (Tortoyk’s Heart).
- 4300 guardian stones
- 900 destruction stones
- Skill potion
- Serenity Isle token
Dreamgull Island
- Interact with the backpack to start.
- 6th part is gated by Forest’s Minuet (see Lullaby Island).
- 8th part gated by Sway emote (Peyto idol yellow quest).
- 2420 guardian stones
- 1220 destruction stones
- 12500 harmony shards
- Dreamgull Island token
- 115 gold
White Wave Island
- The 2nd part requires you to go to Peyto, Little Luck Island, White Wave Island, Outlaw Isle, and requires 460 iLvl.
- 11000 silver
- 1000 guardian stones
- 500 destruction stones
- 50 leap stones
- 6500 harmony shards
- 85 gold
Peyto + Glacier Isle
- Glacier Isle island quest is started here with Iceberg Inquiry so they are combined.
- 27600 silver
- 2000 pirate coins
- 3 legendary – uncommon random card packs
- Sway emote
- 2 high seas coin chests (gienah / sceptrum coins x100)
- 6 uncommon engraving selection boxes
- 2400 guardian stones
- 650 destruction stones
- 24000 harmony shards
- 40 leap stones
- Glacier Isle token
- 50 gold
- Edge of Serenity song
Golden Wave Island
- The bags/boxes/chests on this map (chest icon on minimap) have a low chance (<5%) to drop the Golden Wave Island token
- 42000 silver
- 7000 pirate coins
- 4 legendary – uncommon random card packs
- 8 uncommon engraving selection boxes
- 4 uncommon class engraving selection boxes
- 7 high seas coin chests (gienah / sceptrum coins x100)
- 1 epic random rapport chest
Turtle Island
- This is a fairly long chain and requires you to go to these locations:
- Anikka, Arthetine, and Vern
- 30000 silver
- 5 epic exp cards
- 18 uncommon engraving selection boxes
- 3 epic random rapport chests
- 7 high seas coin chests (gienah / sceptrum coins x100)
- Turtle Island token
Lullaby Island
- 1st part fairy is straight ahead from quest accept, near water next to Fareb.
- 2nd part is down and to the right of the quest number.
- 3rd part is above the quest number.
- 4th part requires Song of Resonance (16500 Pirate Coins @ Peyto) and an event that occurs on the island at even hours + 25 minutes, e.g. 02:25, 04:25.
- 5th part requires you to go to Mercia.
- Completing the aforementioned event has a chance to drop the Lullaby Island token.
- 80000 silver
- 12 high seas coin chests (gienah / sceptrum coins x100)
- 10 rare engraving selection boxes
- Forest’s Minuet song (song required to finish Dreamgull Island)
- 85 gold
- 6 legendary – uncommon random card packs
- Vitality potion
Runaways Island
- One of the quests is from a sign North of Lina.
- Young Engineer continuation is in the metal wire junk area.
- When finding Nova he is on the far right middle.
- Unlocks the Crook Catcher Una Daily which after completing 5 times will give you the Runaways Island token.
- 26860 silver
- 5000 pirate coins
- 12 uncommon engraving selection boxes
- 5 high seas coin chests (gienah / sceptrum coins x100)
- 6 uncommon class engraving selection boxes
- Stat potion
- Beg emote
- 100 gold
- 3 epic exp cards
- Vitality potion
Freedom Isle
- 59500 silver
- 15000 pirate coins
- 15 high seas coin chests (gienah / sceptrum coins x100)
- 8 legendary – uncommon random card packs
- 12 rare engraving selection boxes
- 6 uncommon class engraving selection boxes
- 3rd part requires you to go to White Wave Island / Runaways Island (choose White Wave Island).
- 5th part requires you to go to Shushire.
- Unlocks the Prisoner Emancipation Una Daily that gives 10 leap stones.
- The mailed box from freeing prisoners has a chance to drop the Kalthertz island token. It is most efficient to free the 900 coin males and 600 coin females.
- 50500 silver
- 8600 pirate coins
- 7 high seas coin chests (gienah / sceptrum coins x100)
- 6 uncommon class engraving selection boxes
- 3 rare class engraving selection boxes
- 130 gold
Lost City
- For the 2nd part, on the left side of the map there are 2 protruding rooms, between those 2 protrusions there is a breakable wall, break that and the secret fishing spot is inside.
- The forgotten chest is located in the protruding room above where the secret fishing spot was.
- You can get keys to open the other chests on the map by fishing at any of the fishing locations, opening these chests has a low chance of dropping the Lost City island token.
- 14000 silver
- 15 high seas coin chests (gienah / sceptrum coins x100)
- 11 uncommon engraving selection boxes
- Splendid key of oblivion (opens forgotten chest on map, see notes)
- To start the 3rd part talk to the glowing flower.
- Object for the 4th part is on top of the quest number.
- Picking up the stars has a low chance (<5%) of dropping the Astella island token.
- The star fragments you get from picking up stars can be exchanged for up to 5 uncommon engraving selection boxes and 2 rare engraving selection boxes.
- 41000 silver
- 4 legendary – uncommon random card packs
- 8 uncommon engraving selection boxes
- 4 uncommon class engraving selection boxes
- 4 epic exp cards
- Kindness potion
- The 4th and 5th parts are gated by Una daily.
- The 6th part is gated by 2nd Una daily.
- 19900 silver
- 12 rare engraving selection boxes
- 8 uncommon class engraving selection boxes
- Affection emote
- Wisdom potion
Sunflower Island
- 2nd part requires you to go to Peyto.
- 100000 silver
- 12 uncommon engraving selection boxes
- 10 epic exp cards
- 6 epic random rapport chests
- 8 legendary – uncommon random card packs
- 85 gold
- Masterpiece
Reminiscence Isle
- Quest is very confusing, try to follow these instructions: start by interacting with orb, then go far right side of map, then above that, then right side of middle section, then below that, then follow path below that, then continue following path going left, then above that and to the left, then straight above that.
- In the dungeon, interact with the first book statue on the left, then the desk in the 2nd room, then the 2nd drawer on the left in the 3rd room.
- 60000 silver
- 6 rare engraving selection boxes
- Reminiscence Isle token
Blackfang’s Den
- Requires going to Anikka, Atlas, Peyto, and Vern.
- Unlocks rapport with Captain Blacktooth.
- 59200 silver
- 5 epic exp cards
- 10 high seas coin chests (gienah / sceptrum coins x100)
- 10000 pirate coins
- 5 legendary – uncommon random card packs
- 100 gold
Giant Mushroom Island
- Logging island, it requires you have an axe and uses some life skill energy, note that the tallest Giant Mushroom trees require level 10 logging.
- When cutting down the Giant Mushrooms you have a chance (less than 5%) to get the Giant Mushroom Island token, recommended to do this with multiple people to speed up the chopping.
- 28000 silver
- 2000 pirate coins
Notos Island
- Unlocks the Whale Tale Una Daily that will unlock the 3rd quest after 3 completions.
- 60000 silver
- 3 epic random rapport chests
- 5 legendary – uncommon random card packs
- Kindness potion
- 85 gold
- Notos Island token
- Has multiple pirate coin exchanges
- Center of map: you can exchange up to 3000 pirate coins per account per week for 3 uncommon engraving selection boxes, and 1000 pirate coins per account per week for 1 epic random rapport box.
- Far left of map: you can exchange up to 5000 pirate coins per account per week for 5 uncommon class engraving selection boxes, 6000 pirate coins per account per week for 3 rare class engraving selection boxes, and 16800 pirate coins for the Atlas Island Token.
- Far right of map: you can exchange up to 2000 pirate coins per account per week for 2 uncommon engraving selection boxes, 4000 pirate coins per account per week for 2 rare engraving selection boxes, and 33000 pirate coins for Giant Heart #6.
- None
Slime Island
- Has the jelly coin exchange, you can exchange up to 4000 jelly coins per account per week for 5 uncommon engraving selection boxes, and up to 3000 jelly coins per account per week for 2 rare engraving selection boxes.
- There are golden slimes that have a chance to drop the Slime Island token, recommended to party up and camp the spawn locations shown in this pic.

- None
- The golden jars have a chance to spawn from inside regular jars, and they have a chance to drop the Fortuna island token.
- Nothing useful
Island of Time
- You can fish and get jars on this island (about 15% chance) and then use the jars in the yellow circles near jar inspector npcs for a chance to spawn a boss (about 15% chance) that has a chance to drop the Island of Time token. Recommended to do in a party to get more jars and kill the boss faster.
- Nothing useful
Little Luck Island
- Every 2 hours and 10 minutes an npc will spawn that will exchange 100 pirate coins for a chest with a chance to drop the Little Luck Island token, the drop chance is around 3%, and the npc stays on the island for 10 minutes.
- None
Lopang Island
- The “hop-box” is a jumping chest that roams around near the quest accept area.
- Unlocks Special Delivery Una Dailies that give a lot of silver.
- Last quest gated by 6 completions of all the Lopang Una dailies.
- 81300 silver
- 100 gold
- Lopang Island token
Revelry Row
- To unlock the quest chain you must complete the Una Daily Cocktail in Hand 7 times.
- 59400 silver
- 10 high seas coin chests (gienah / sceptrum coins x100)
- 6 uncommon class engraving selection boxes
- 3 rare class engraving selection boxes
- 5 legendary – uncommon random card packs
- Stat potion
- 100 gold
Alteisen (302 iLvl)
- Mining island, it requires you to have a pickaxe and uses some life skill energy.
- 3rd part requires you to go to Arthetine (Stern).
- 12000 silver
- 7 uncommon engraving selection boxes
- 3 high seas coin chests (gienah / sceptrum coins x100)
- Stat potion
Sublime Island (460 iLvl)
- 40000 silver
- 6000 pirate coins
- 4 rare engraving selection boxes
- 3 rare class engraving selection boxes
- artifact rapport gift
Frostfire Island (460 iLvl)
- The 2nd quest is extremely annoying with a very high hp named monster, best strategy is to clear the small mobs then cc the boss to accept the quest and to interact with the object for the quest.
- The 3rd quest is similarly annoying except this boss can’t be cc’d, but he moves extremely slowly so kill all small mobs and kite the boss far from the quest area, then complete the quest.
- 70000 silver
- 4 epic random rapport chests
- 8 uncommon engraving selection boxes
- 4 uncommon class engraving selection boxes
- 6 legendary – uncommon random card packs
Argon (460 iLvl)
- If you break the iceberg with exact damage it has a chance to turn into a statue which gives the Argon island token.
- 10000 silver
- 3 rare class engraving selection boxes
Walpurgis (460 iLvl)
- 40000 silver
- 4 epic exp cards
- 5 uncommon engraving selection boxes
- 2 uncommon class engraving selection boxes
- 50 gold
Isle of Yearning (460 iLvl)
- 100000 silver
- 15 high seas coin chests (gienah / sceptrum coins x100)
- Courage potion
- 5 guardian stones
- 3 destruction stones
- 1 leap stone
Atropos (460 iLvl)
- Very long chain that requires you to go to Shushire, Arthetine, Vern, Anikka, Tortoyk, and Luterra.
- Unlocks Una Daily will give you commemorative coins and unlocks the contract for stronghold merchant Tuleu (Wealth rune) after 7 completions.
- Commemorative coins can be used with the fountain on the island for a chance to receive the Atropos island token.
- 58500 silver
- 10000 pirate coins
- 5 legendary – uncommon random card packs
- 10 high seas coin chests (gienah / sceptrum coins x100)
- 3 Lynnis commemorative coins
Cradle of the Sea Fermata (460 iLvl)
- Painter quest is gated by Taunt emote which can be purchased on Freedom Isle.
- 60000 silver
- 9000 pirate coins
- 2 rare class engraving selection boxes
- 5 legendary – uncommon random card pack
Twilight Isle (460 iLvl)
- Gives T2 mat rewards (not applicable to T1).
- 1st part talk to the village nun on the far left.
- Part when you use a transform is bugged so cannot complete the chain.
- 17100 silver
- 560 T2 destruction stones
- 1470 T2 guardian stones
- 60 T2 leap stones
- 23000 T2 harmony shards
Goblin Island (460 iLvl)
- Has the goblin coin exchange, you can exchange up to 10 golden goblin coins per account per week for 5 uncommon class engraving selection boxes, and another 10 golden goblin coins per account per week for 2 rare class engraving selection boxes.
- You can also exchange 3 golden goblins infinitely for a chance at the Goblin Island token.
- You can earn golden goblin coins by killing goblins on the island and by increasing rapport with the goblin king.
- None
Hope Island (460 iLvl)
- Requires completion of Goblin Island rapport quests to enter.
- Unknown
Promise Isle (460 iLvl)
- Part of 2nd awakening quest.
- None
Foggy Ridge
- This is part of the guardian raid guide quest chain, you’ll have to travel here when defeating Ur’nil and Lumerus. In total the guardian raid quest chain rewards 360 gold and several battle consumables.
- None
Frost Haven
- This is part of the guardian raid guide quest chain, you’ll have to travel here when defeating Icy Legoros and Vertus. In total the guardian raid quest chain rewards 360 gold and several battle consumables.
- None
Woeful Drylands
- This is part of the guardian raid guide quest chain, you’ll have to travel here when defeating Chromanium and Nacrasena. In total the guardian raid quest chain rewards 360 gold and several battle consumables.
- None
Scarred Crimson Land
- This is part of the guardian raid guide quest chain, you’ll have to travel here when defeating Flame Fox Yoho. In total the guardian raid quest chain rewards 360 gold and several battle consumables.
- None
Erasmo’s Island
- None
- None
- None
Facility X-301
- Nothing useful
Crescent Isle
- Nothing useful
Wisdom Isle
- Nothing useful
Outlaw Isle (460 iLvl)
- None
Kharmine’s Lair (460 iLvl)
- Part of 2nd awakening quest.
- None
Vairgrys’s Nest (460 iLvl)
- Can obtain Vairgrys’s Nest island token by killing one of the two world bosses on the island but they have 250 billion hp so not sure how that’s supposed to work…
- None
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