Lost Ark – Voyage Cooperative Missions Guide

Voyage Cooperative Missions

There are scheduled cooperative missions that you can find outside of most major ports, where players can gather together to do short mini-games to earn Pirate Coins and special voyage currencies.

Because voyage cooperative missions require you to be able to use your boat’s functions, please make sure you are not using a ship skin that disables use of these abilities.

The special voyage currencies can be used to get more Pirate Coins, sailors, ship upgrade materials, and more. There is also a chance to obtain special keys which can be used to visit Gateways in the sea that open at certain times, earning you additional rewards. These rewards can include maps which reward a sum of Gold.

Image courtesy of Reporter Minho Choi, Inven.

The map above details the starting locations of cooperative voyage missions. The quest location is not displayed in the calendar, however the first location of the first mini-game is fixed. From there, as you complete each mini-game, follow your world map to the next mini-game to proceed with the new cooperative mission to earn additional rewards.

RegionStarting MissionSpecial CoinSpecial KeyDangerous Waters
ArthetineTreasure SalvageGuiena CoinKey of HarmonyStorm Lv. 1
Dead Lv. 2
Cold Lv. 2
VernRaceGuiena CoinKey of HarmonyDead Lv. 1
Cold Lv. 1
AnikkaHunt JellyfishGuiena CoinKey of HarmonyStorm Lv. 2
Dead Lv. 2
RohendelRaceKrater CoinKey of WisdomDead Lv. 2
Storm Lv. 3
YornTreasure SalvageArctur CoinKey of EarthSandstorm Lv. 3
Dead Lv. 3
FaitenHunt JellyfishAncient CoinKey of PatienceDead Lv. 3
Cold Lv. 4
PunikaHunt JellyfishSolar CoinKey of IndiaStorm Lv. 4
Sandstorm Lv. 4
Siren Lv. 4
Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 1021 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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