I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.
The Galleries The Monster Elevator Machine What are theses stickers for? Here is the right order: The Restaurant At what time do we eat? There is a clock on the […]
The Abbey Levers From the first pannel you should now know which position refers to which symbol. Solution: Levers with a Friend Simply go forward and figure out which symbol […]
Spinning Wheels Tip You need to click and drag, just like any other time you’ve interacted with a movable object when examining stuff closely. Or you can read the guide […]
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