This portion of the Cyberpunk 2077 guide explains how to unlock different endings, whether or not there is a good ending, how to fill the percentage completed, and more! Each section will have detailed descriptions of each ending and additional choice information contained in spoiler-hidden sections in case you just want to know how to unlock them.
Spoiler Warning
Again, story spoilers are detailed below! Stop scrolling if you want to learn about the endings, yourself, first-hand.
Cyberpunk 2077 has multiple drastically different endings, all of which diverge from a single point and have different unlock requirements before that point in order to access them. Here are all the endings we’ve found so far, including what you need to do to reach them and the major choices that occur during them.
How to Beat Cyberpunk 2077
First things first, Every ending begins at the same “Point of No Return” mission called Nocturne Op55N1. This has the player meet Hanako Arasaka at a restaurant called Embers, and you will be warned before starting this mission that there’s no coming back from it, so we’d recommend saving right beforehand. Additionally, beating the game will create a special save file at this moment that you can then reload, which will also add a few simple bonus items to your inventory, allowing you to pick-up right before it and complete more side content.
From here, you go to the roof of Misty’s Esoterica and can choose from four possible routes (that we know of) depending on the side missions you have completed – you are also given a moment to call a character you have romanced, if any. Here are each of the endings, how to unlock them, and how they can differ:
Ending 1: Finish On Your Own Terms
This option is a simple one. Rather than make any of the other possible choices, you can simply decide to take your own life on the rooftop. This results in a short cutscene that zooms out on Night City before a gunshot is heard, followed by the credits. There is no larger final mission like all of the other endings.
Ending 2: Trust Arasaka
The first real option is available without doing any side content at all, you simply follow the path of Nocturne Op55N1 to meet Hanako at Embers, and then choose to trust her from the rooftop. After a series of final missions, you will eventually reach an epilogue where you are given one last significant choice.
For details on that choice and what happens during this ending, open the spoiler box below:
Hanako promises to separate your mind from Johnny’s if you help punish her brother, Yorinobu. After an extended assault within Arasaka Tower unique from the other endings, including a fight with Adam Smasher, you reach a mentally broken Yorinobu and her promise is fulfilled… sort of. The epilogue has you wake up in an Arasaka facility in a space station (or potentially on the moon) where Johnny has indeed been removed from your head and “shredded” as promised, but lasting damage has been done to your mind and body as well. After a series of increasingly frustrating tests, Dr. Hellman appears to inform you that while your mind will heal, the Relic caused permanent damage to your body and you only have six months to live no matter what. This is where you are given a choice: either sign your life away to Arasaka to have your mind placed in Mikoshi until you can potentially be brought back later, or refuse their offer and return to Earth with the knowledge that you will soon die. While significant character-wise, this choice is entirely a personal one as it will essentially only change the final cutscene you receive shortly after: either showing V giving up their mind or heading back to Earth.
Ending 3: Give Johnny The Wheel
In order to gain access to this option, you must complete a series of side missions centered around Johnny Silverhand BEFORE entering Embers to meet Hanako. That begins with the mission Chippin’ In, which is given to you after speaking to Johnny for a main mission called Tapeworm (which is itself given to you only after the Parade sequence concludes), and must be played all the way through a mission called A Like Supreme (where you perform in a concert).
Once done, you can follow Nocturne Op55N1 as usual, but now when you reach the rooftop you will also have the option to let Johnny take control and storm Arasaka with assistance from Rogue. After that, you will be given one final choice later on that drastically alters which of two epilogues you will experience.
For details on that choice and what happens during this ending, open the spoiler box below:
After enlisting help from Rogue, you (as Johnny controlling V) lead an assault on Arasaka tower unique from the other endings in order to reach Mikoshi in its basement. This includes enlisting the help of Alt Cunningham, as well as a final boss encounter with Adam Smasher different from Ending 2. Once plugged into Mikoshi, Alt is able to separate V’s mind from Johnny’s, but informs them that the relic has already altered V’s body too much. As a result, V will die within six months if they return to their body, while Johnny could comfortably live in it with no problem. In this ending, you are still controlling Johnny, and while V says they want to keep living, you are able to choose whether you will give V their body back and assimilate with Alt, or steal their body and live in their place. Each choice results in a drastically different epilogue sequence. If V is able to return to their body, they are seen many months later, now a living legend of Night City doomed to die. The romance character you called (if any) will be here and have unique dialogue, before V goes to The Afterlife (which you’re now the head of) to discuss one last job to solidify your legendary status before death. You then get on a rocket, fly to space, and a final cutscene shows V spacewalking toward a space station casino for one last, epic heist before the credits roll. If you have Johnny takeover V’s body, you instead have an extended scene as a harrowed Johnny sometime later. In it, you go to a guitar store before visiting V’s grave to say goodbye, and then ultimately getting on a bus to leave Night City for good.
Ending 4: Call Panam
The last option (so far) requires you complete Panam’s side mission storyline centering around the Aldecaldos, the last of which is called Queen of the Highway, BEFORE entering Embers to meet Hanako.
Once done, you can follow Nocturne Op55N1 as usual, but now when you reach the rooftop you will also have the option to handle this yourself and call Panam for help. After that, you will be given one final choice later on that drastically alters which of two epilogues you will experience (one of which is identical to one in Ending 3).
For details on that choice and what happens during this ending, open the spoiler box below:
After calling Panam, the Aldecaldos will show up at Misty’s to pick you up. After heading back to their camp, you hatch a plan to reach Mikoshi by tunnelling under Arasaka Tower, resulting in another series of missions unique from the other endings – apart from a fight with Adam Smasher that is identical to Ending 3. Similarly, once plugged into Mikoshi, Alt is able to separate V’s mind from Johnny’s, but informs them that the relic has already altered V’s body too much. As a result, V will die within six months if they return to their body, while Johnny could comfortably live in it with no problem. In this version of the ending you control V, and while Johnny is adamant that you should return to your body, you are able to choose whether you will do so or give it up to Johnny instead so he can live on. Each choice results in a drastically different epilogue sequence. If V returns to their body, the epilogue will pick up with you on the outskirts of town with Panam as you prepare to sneak through Night City’s border and flee to look for some way to save V from eventual death. The romance character you called (if any) will be here and have unique dialogue, before you escape and a short cutscene plays with V and Panam finally free. If you let Johnny takeover V’s body, you instead have an extended scene as a harrowed Johnny sometime later – identical to the epilogue in Ending 3. In it, you visit a guitar store before visiting V’s grave to say goodbye, and then ultimately getting on a bus to leave Night City for good.
Other Options?
These are all the endings we know of so far, and while there could be others hiding out there waiting to be found, dialogue with Misty when the mission Fool on the Hill is completed after finding all 20 Tarot Cards seems to indicate that these four options might be it right now. The World tarot can be found on the final rooftop, and Misty cryptically comments that V will have four paths to The World available – that likely lines up with the four ending options, but we’ll be sure to update this page if anything else is found.
Does Life Path Choice Affect The Ending?
Yes and no. While there are no special endings specific to any of the three life paths, dialogue might be slightly different depending on what you’ve picked. So no, your life path will not have a drastic effect or alter the end of the game greatly no matter which option you choose.
How Do I Fill Cyberpunk 2077’s Percentages?
This is a tricky one. Certain quests, mainly main jobs, will increase the three percentages in the menu, but don’t expect to have them maxed out before beating the game. For example, the left-most bar will only reach 100% in the epilogue of one of the endings listed above, not before, while the right-most bar will never be able to reach 100%. Therefore, don’t take these as progress indicators, because that’s really not what they are.
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