This is a quick and easy guide for every game achievement for Geometry Dash.
These ones are pretty straightforward, you’ll need to complete every main level (except for Geometrical Dominator, Deadlocked and Fingerdash) on both practice- and normal mode.
Stereo Bump
Complete Stereo Madness in Practice mode
Stereo Madness!
Complete Stereo Madness in Normal mode
Oh my way
Complete Back On Track in Practice mode
Back On Track!
Complete Back On Track in Normal mode
Complete Polargeist in Normal mode
Complete Polargeist in Normal mode
Complete Stereo Madness, Back On Track and Polargeist in Normal mode
Complete Dry Out in Practice mode
Dry Out!
Complete Dry Out in Normal mode
All your base…
Complete Base After Base in Practice mode
Base After Base!
Complete Base After Base in Normal mode
Hold on
Complete Can’t Let Go in Practice mode
Can’t Let Go!
Complete Can’t Let Go in Normal mode
Hop Hop…
Complete Jumper in Practice mode
Complete Jumper in Normal mode
Tick Tock
Complete Time Machine in Practice mode
Time Machine!
Complete Time Machine in Normal mode
Complete Cycles in Practice mode
Complete Cycles in Normal mode
Complete xStep in Practice mode
Complete xStep in Normal mode
Complete Clutterfunk in Practice mode
Complete Clutterfunk in Normal mode
Theory of Something
Complete Theory of Everything in Practice mode
Theory of Everything!
Complete Theory of Everything in Normal mode
Electro Time
Complete Electroman Adventures in Practice mode
Electroman Adventures!
Complete Electroman Adventures in Normal mode
Complete Clubstep in Practice mode
Complete Clubstep in Normal mode
Complete Clubstep in Normal mode
Complete Electrodynamix in Practice mode
Complete Electrodynamix in Normal mode
Complete Hexagon Force in Practice mode
Hexagon Force!
Complete Hexagon Force in Normal mode
Blast Power
Complete Blast Processing in Practice mode
Blast Processing!
Complete Blast Processing in Normal mode
Second Theory
Complete Theory of Everything 2 in Practice mode
Theory of Everything 2!
Complete Theory of Everything 2 in Normal mode
Demon Levels
Demon-rated levels are supposed to be harder than normal ones, but they don’t have to be. Below the achievements I will list 39 levels (as you will need to beat Clubstep as well) with secret ways that skip a large amount of the level or that are just really easy.
Reflex Champion
Complete 1 Demon difficulty level in Normal mode
Demon Chaser
Complete 2 Demon difficulty levels in Normal mode
The One
Complete 3 Demon difficulty levels in Normal mode
Demon Master
Complete 4 Demon difficulty levels in Normal mode
Demonic Guardian
Complete 5 Demon difficulty levels in Normal mode
Demonic Overmind
Complete 10 Demon difficulty levels in Normal mode
Master of Timing
Complete 15 Demon difficulty levels in Normal mode
Complete 20 Demon difficulty levels in Normal mode
Complete 30 Demon difficulty levels in Normal mode
Give me a CHALLENGE!
Complete 40 Demon difficulty levels in Normal mode
Easy Demons
- ‘The Nightmare’ by Jax
- ‘the lightning road’ by timeless real
- ‘Speed Racer’ by ZenthicAlpha
- ‘Platinum Adventure’ by Jerry Bronze V
- ‘Crescendo’ by MasK463
- ‘Xstep v2’ by IIINePtunEIII
- ‘Death Moon’ by Caustic
- ‘Problematic’ by Dhafin
- ‘DEMON MIXED’ by RealOggY
- ‘Impulse’ by MrCheeseTigrr
- ‘Ultra Paracosm’ by iIiRulasiIi
- ‘MOON ADVENTURE’ by Experience D
- ‘Blue Hell’ by LaZye
- ‘What is it’ by Booglee
- ‘ice cave’ by –
- ‘Shiver’ by kale
- ‘seeker of demon’ by –
- ‘DeaDrop’ by DYSCO
- ‘SaDrop’ by DYSCO
- ‘WilDrop’ by DYSCO
- ‘Horizon Zero’ by Noweek
- ‘phjork’ by cerufiffy
- ‘iS’ by Grenate
- ‘The Flight’ by JerkRat
- ‘Hight Rebound’ by DevinCoyote
- ‘Ratstep’ by –
- ‘C S Q N’ by Bluskys
- ’69 machine’ by –
- ‘invisible clubstep’ by – (not really invisible)
- ‘infinite circles’ by startor
- ‘Retro Circles’ by Nacho21
Free Demons (Secret Way)
I figured out it would be easier for both me and you if I linked videos for some of these, so here you go:
- ‘abcdefghijklmnopqrs’ by NeoSweet – Secret way at 13%, jump in front of the blue pad
- ‘MasterGame’ by Serponge – Input 98255 as the passcode, you’ll end up at the final stage
- ‘Depressure’ by Serponge – You just need to click very fast, alternatively use an autoclicker
- ‘WeoTheory’ by WazE – Do exactly as shown in this video:
- ‘GREEN DEMON’ by – – Do exactly as shown in this video:
- ‘Equinox’ by Magic Square – Do exactly as shown in this video:
- ‘Flappy Weird’ by TheSuperbot – Jump over the ship portal at 25%, then fall down. This is very tricky
There you go, good luck!
The best strategy for star grinding (in my opinion) is to just play levels that you can beat easily and not to play higher star levels that you find difficult. You can also beat every daily level twice, once normally and once in the little daily level tab/menu.
If I’m not wrong, you’ll recieve 150 stars from beating all main levels (not including those who don’t have an achievement) and around 550 stars from the first 30 map packs.
Oh, Shiny!
Collect 100 stars
More stars!
Collect 200 stars
Star Maniac
Collect 300 stars
Master Collector
Collect 400 stars
Epic Collector
Collect 500 stars
Epic Master Collector
Collect 600 stars
Star Factory
Collect 700 stars
Collect 800 stars
Collect 900 stars
Collect 1,000 stars
Was that all of them?
Collect 1,500 stars
Knock knock. Who’s there? STARS!
Collect 2,000 stars
Secret Coins
If you collect every single secret coin (yellow ones) in the main levels (including those who don’t have an achievement) you’ll recieve 63 coins and from all of the map packs you’ll recieve 83 of them. There are also three other secret coins you can find outside levels which I’ll be explaining below the achievements…
Collect 5 Secret Coins
Maybe behind that block?
Collect 10 Secret Coins
I.. Need… MORE!
Collect 15 Secret Coins
We wants it!
Collect 20 Secret Coins
We needs it!
Collect 25 Secret Coins
Must have the precious
Collect 30 Secret Coins
They stole it from us!
Collect 35 Secret Coins
Where Is It?! Where Is It!?
Collect 40 Secret Coins
Thief, thief, thief!
Collect 45 Secret Coins
My Precious…
Collect 50 Secret Coins
There’s more!?
Collect 55 Secret Coins
Found it under a rock!
Collect 60 Secret Coins
Not so secret
Collect 65 Secret Coins
Nothing is secret!
Collect 70 Secret Coins
Finders Keepers!
Collect 75 Secret Coins
The Golden Rule
Collect 80 Secret Coins
Robin Hood
Collect 85 Secret Coins
The Finder
Collect 90 Secret Coins
Tax Collector
Collect 95 Secret Coins
The King’s Vault
Collect 100 Secret Coins
The Secret Secret Coins
- Enter ‘sparky’ into the Vault in the settings menu (unlock after collecting 10 user coins).
- After entering ‘sparky’, go to the Vault of Secrets in the online/creator menu (unlock after collecting 50 diamonds). Keep talking to the Keymaster until it mentions Sparky, then go to the normal Vault and talk until it mentions Glubfub. Go back to the Vault of Secrets and enter ‘glubfub’ to get the coin.
- You get the third coin on the ‘Coming Soon’-screen in the main levels menu after cycling through all of the levels ~3 times.
Map Packs
You only need to complete 30 of the 65 map packs to get all achievements; 2 easy packs, 6 normal, 15 hard and 7 harder. 90 levels in total!
Jump, Forrest, Jump
Complete 1 Map Pack
Failure is not an option
Complete 5 Map Packs
Map Packer
Complete 10 Map Packs
Pack it up
Complete 15 Map Packs
Package Complete
Complete 20 Map Packs
You pack, I complete
Complete 25 Map Packs
I R Unstoppable!
Complete 30 Map Packs
User Levels
You’ll need to complete 1000 user-made levels to get these achievements, a good way is to just play a lot of auto levels as you don’t have to actually play. You could also sort levels by ‘tiny’ length and play those… the search term “free coins” usually has a ton of short levels without any objects in them.
While doing these achievements you can also go for those in the ‘Level Rating’ section. 🙂
Complete 1 user created level in Normal mode
Complete 10 user created levels in Normal mode
The Gamer
Complete 50 user created levels in Normal mode
Complete 100 user created levels in Normal mode
Spike dodger
Complete 200 user created levels in Normal mode
No match for me!
Complete 300 user created levels in Normal mode
Bring me their heads!
Complete 500 user created levels in Normal mode
Tonight, we dine in GEOMETRY DASH!
Complete 1000 user created levels in Normal mode
Level Rating
Not much to say here, you’ll need to both like/dislike and rate 1000 levels. You can only rate levels which don’t have a star rating.
Like or Dislike 1 online level
Like or Dislike 100 online level
Like or Dislike 1000 online level
Rate the stars of 1 online level
Rate the stars of 100 online level
Guiding Light
Rate the stars of 1000 online level
Level Creation
Probably the hardest achievements. To the last one, you’ll either have to create an actually good and playable level that people like… OR you could just go around on Twitch or Youtube on different level request streams and hope for the person to give you a like. I just got lucky and a popular creator found my crappy level that I made some years ago and it got enough likes.
Create and submit a custom level
Geometry Creator
Get 100 likes on a created level
You’ll get these eventually as you play, but if you’re lazy you can just play this level a couple times: 10481188 (hold down left click until the end).
Jump 1,000 times
I like jumping
Jump 10,000 times
You jump like a pro!
Jump 20,000 times
Hop Hop Hop
Jump 50,000 times
I don’t think there is an easier way to get these, you’ll just have to kys a lot 🙂
Trial and error
Do 100 attempts
Crash Tester
Do 500 attempts
You Shall Not Pass!
Do 2000 attempts
Do 10,000 attempts
Miscellaneous achievements.
Click this lock

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So close
Crash at over 95% on a main level in Normal mode
As in most games, you don’t actually have to like the game on Facebook or subscribe on Youtube. You just need to click the buttons and wait a little bit, all of these buttons can be found on the main screen.
Secret Achievements
Secrets! I mentioned one of these in the Secret Coins section, though the other ones are pretty boring.
Destroy 1 player (in the main menu)
Destroy 50 players
Destroy 200 players
Master Detective!
Cycle through all of the main levels three times, then click the coin that appears on the Coming Soon screen.
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