Lethal Company – How to Become Employee of the Month

Practical and simple guide on how to become employee of the month at Lethal Comp.

One of the biggest flaws with new employees is the lack of organization for teamwork, causing them to be scattered, disorganized and constantly lost, things that are unacceptable in the work environment.

Organizing the Work Team

Practical and simple guide on how to become employee of the month at Lethal Comp.

One of the biggest flaws with new employees is the lack of organization for teamwork, causing them to be scattered, disorganized and constantly lost, things that are unacceptable in the work environment.

This work requires specialization, and to achieve this we will divide the team into four distinct functions, namely:

The Guide:

The guide is responsible for ~guiding the rest of the team~, he will dictate where they should go and, while they explore, he will always remain in the lead.

It is important that the guide knows how to get around work environments very well, he must practice his expertise in localization to be able to guide the team.

The guide is also responsible for communicating with the ship, reporting threats and risk analyses.

The guide’s gear:

  1. Flashlight / Pro-Flashlight
  2. Radio

The Carrier:

He is the one who will carry the team’s profits on his shoulders. Whenever the team finds an item, the priority will be for the carrier to carry it, depending on the distance from the door, he must always go to it and drop his items outside, to release their weight.

The carrier needs to be aware of space and always be aware of what is around him, if he dies, with him goes the team’s greatest chance of profit.

It can also carry a maximum of one utility, preferably a consumable, so that it has its 4 slots free.

The carrier’s gear:

  1. Nothing / Key / Flashbang

The Security:

The security guard will be responsible for defending the team, he will eliminate threats, and he will coordinate the team in case the environment becomes hostile. He is expected to know all possible threats, how to combat them, and how to escape them.

The security’s gear:

  1. Shovel
  2. Nothing/Flashbang

The IT Guy:

He will be on the computer and will be responsible for communicating with the guide, alerting him of threats and items visible on the radar. It’s also good that he has teleporter at his disposal.

He is expected to know how to communicate everything he needs with cohesion and simplicity, so as not to harm the guide’s communication with other team members in the field.

The IT guy’s gear:

  1. Radio

By following this organization, I have no doubt that you and your co-workers will be much more successful in all aspects, but some important thing that you will notice the most difference is in the sense of space, the reduced number of times you will get lost in the field, and the very high capacity for more accurate risk analysis, knowing when to end the shift correctly.

Have a great day, and get to work!

Helena Stamatina
About Helena Stamatina 3154 Articles
I love two things in life, games and sports. Although sports were my earliest interest, it was video games that got me completely addicted (in a good way). My first game was Crash Bandicoot (PS1) from the legendary studio Naughty Dog back in 1996. I turned my passion for gaming into a job back in 2019 when I transformed my geek blog (Re-actor) into the gaming website it is today.

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